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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. And here I was thinking you had made some boring truck to transport rockets to the launchpad. Stock hinges and stock weapons, my two favorite things in one ship! Brilliant craft, I'll have to try it out.
  2. Welcome to the internet forum that's so friendly, you wont belive it's a internet forum!
  3. Interesting, i like this idea. I'll probably submit something.
  4. This looks like a great challenge, I'll have to give it a go!
  5. In my opinion, Asteroids are a great part of the game, they teaching you how to rendezvous with objects on awkward trajectories, allow you to build very nice stations and give you the ability to top up on fuel on deep space exploration missions. However, there are only two areas in the system where asteroids appear, (Kerbin and Dres) and they are both located fairly close to each other in the inner system. What I'm proposing is a Kuiper Belt (for once, something we don't have to ADD the K to ) analogue which would be located in the space between Jool and Eeloo, with asteroids rarely encountering each planet. This would give deep space explorers the chance to refuel, while adding another realistic counterpart to the Kerbol System. (As a side note; We know Bop and probably Pol are captured asteroids, and this would answer the question "What asteroids?" Also, as Jupiter has around sixty-five moons IRL, I think it would make a lot of sense to have asteroids be captured by Jool, maybe giving it around 5-10 asteroid moons, and it would be great fun to name them and potentially fling any ones you don't like into Jool's atmosphere.)
  6. Brilliant work! Do you know if this collider unloading effects other craft within load range, or if colliders are loaded separately for different craft? Because I'm having ideas for a new type of stock weapon...
  7. Hahaha, as long it launches horizontally its a plane! Nice craft.
  8. @cratercracker that's a good idea, but maybe it could be expanded by saying you have to break at least one part of the ground without slowing down. @Azimech that village is amazing! I want to build one now. I once landed a hypersonic plane on this tiny island out in the sea, (I went a bit heavy on the afterburners and ran out of fuel but was high enough to glide there, barely) almost directly east of the space centre and with another tiny island that was only a few times larger than my plane. Maybe I could build a bridge across, then put buildings around the place. If I ever take this idea beyond the wishful thinking stage, I'll probably start a thread on this. Thanks for the inspiration! Anyway, challenges. How about: "Kerbal Gravity Well program" wherein you use the hack gravity cheat to increase the gravity and try to get to orbit, while slowly ramping the Gs up after each successful orbit. The higher the gravity you get to orbit with, the better your attempt is.
  9. Maybe not at the center, but a monolith orbiting just inside the atmoshpere to prevent normal rendoevousing would be beyond cool.
  10. I dont think there is any rule against them, they are pretty harmless, they are just used for frustrating your oppenent, hopefully to the point were he missed all his shots.
  11. Tada! https://www.dropbox.com/s/0o0gp249xravaiu/F-Tech EX-7 Hyperion.craft?dl=0
  12. I guess, OH MY GOD I JUST HAD AN IDEA. you know when I deployed those 4 decoys and it took you ages to find the Eos? I just thought of a way to cram 17 decoys in the space of one decoy. Im going to give vall rings!
  13. Can anyone send me some really heavily armoured ships for testing? Also, if joseph kerman dosent change his fleet to a persist I'll do my persist in while, I'm not expecting to do to well as none of my ships are the 400+ plus tons of pretty much everyone else battling.
  14. I have a fixed version on my computer, but I forgot to uptdate the download. Even after I do, cramming nine in that space is hard, and wouldn't reccomend turning while firing. I'll have it fixed in a few hours sorry.
  15. I also have a MiG-21: Got a MiG-25 as well, but no pictures as it's not really finished yet.
  16. That's debatable, but this challenge looks like a nice change of pace from my usual playstyle. Are can cars be assisted by jets? And can they have jump jets to boost themselves and avoid rolling? (I don't mean flying half the route, I just mean hopping over some individual obstacles. If so, I will probably try this.
  17. But it's just a pain, which could easily be avoided with no real downsides. I'm pretty sure my ships could do it, but do I want to do a Jool-Kerbin transfer with 8 ion engines on a 40 ton ship? Of course not. Whereas in-system transfers are much more manageable.
  18. Zekes, panzer, me, shadowgoat, darkowl and Joseph Kerman. So six, I guess no one goes around dres then. But no-one wants to have to do transfer burns from jool to Kerbin and back again, and I doubt everyone's ships can DO that. You're outvoted 5 to 1.
  19. The available bodies are Eeloo, Dres, and all the joolian moons. This has already been discussed and decided, and will prevent long transfer burns and generally make things easier for a lot of people. I don't really understand your objection to this.
  20. It's on a quick save? It needs to be on a persist. And it also needs to be around jool, and not around fall as my fleet is there.
  21. I have built a P-38 Lightning to the point that I am happy with the fuselage, but I can't build a bearing good enough to use inside a structural fuselage... they are either pathetically slow, or reliably unreliable. sorry no pictures right now, I forgot to take some.
  22. <sigh> ah, those were the days... Looks very accurate for being built out of parts, but nothing will beat the real thing.
  23. That looks great, I especially like what you've done extending the cockpit. I'll need to try that some time.
  24. @Joseph Kerman That's strange. You probably weren't firing the G3 right, the first shot I took at your destroyer did this: And 2 javelins from 3km did this to a Hyperion: (Sorry for the lightning, you might want to turn your brightness up)
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