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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. I don't mind, but something low gravity, as I use ions and it decreases burn times. Ike?
  2. Dammit I had that exact idea myself! I would use a reaction wheel cubic strut hinge, fairly easy to build, and small and thin like real bearings.
  3. Exactly. Go that way we will have random chance part boxes, and eventually purchase-locked parts. Adding something like that would go completely against a quirky physics simulator. I'm still not sure what I think of this, but they better not change the SQUAD logo on monoliths with the TT logo, or we will riot.
  4. Fish Technologies, or F-Tech. I name all my ships with the prefix F-Tech so as to be able to differentiate them from others easily and put them all in the same place in the SPH. The name came around due to one of my friends commenting that my ships use "Fish Technology" and I just went with that.
  5. Thanks, but I can't take all the credit, they were heavily inspired by Ben Leisen's Fire and forget missiles video.
  6. Got alot of projects now, and no time to do any of them. first one is a Anti-Air missile rover, which is pretty much finished. And its missile. And second is my first boat, a destroyer I have barely started. The turret is hooked up to 2 sets of stock hinges, meaning it can truely "broadside" in 1.3.
  7. I have added the poll, with all entries. Due to some people voting on the placeholder poll, the BAD-1 shows up as having 1 vote, and the SM-3 kestrel shows up having 4 votes, So I'll subtract them from the amounts at the end. Due to running out of time, there won't be an assignment this week, and the winner will be decided purely by poll. Please don't vote for your own craft.
  8. I assume your referring to my stock turret, if so, lots of stock hinge building and hours of tweaking. I can give you a craft file if you want, but I'm going to have to ask you to not use it on any ships you submit. In other news, I have built a version of the turret with more reaction wheels, allowing it to be used in Kerbin gravity or below. And I can confirm the turret does track targets after switching, and with multi-vessel action groups all you need to do is fire.
  9. This is a gross overeaction. Squad have told us they will have full control of what content is added to the game, and I actually believe them. Call me naive, but I think now my intial worries have been put aside this won't negatively effect the game. also, may I point out, Squad is a MARKETING COMPANY. Based in Mexico. How many people do you think will not use Squad's service after seeing your post in an english speaking forum?
  10. What? This came completely out of the blue. I'm really hoping TT keeps taking the game in the same direction, and I must admit I don't entirely trust them yet to keep this game as well as squad did.
  11. If you mean aesthetically, take a look at my Duna mothership. It carries four crew, is powered by quad nervas, with enough fuel to reach anything from Eve to Dres, or possibly Jool. The satellite on the front can detect anomalies from high orbit, while the docking ports are designed to hold rover drop pods capable of deorbiting and landing, which I don't have pictures of. I really like this ship, I might give it it's own thread and do some work on it. Hope this helps!
  12. Bouncing between Italy and Britain, I'm trying to get the spitfire as I exclusively flew it in CFS 3, but really enjoying the monoplane with the tail gunner that I've completly forgotten the name of.
  13. I think you could go into the config file of an intake, and change the resource from IntakeAir to Oxidiser.
  14. Just got war thunder 2 or 3 days ago, and really enjoying it. Downloaded it expecting it to be an arcade style never-stop-shooting game with little flight mechanics, but was blown away by the similarities to Combat Flight Simulator 3, my second all time favourite game. (To KSP) Just playing it is a massive nostalgia trip for me, and I keep forgetting I'm playing a different game. For example, yesterday I was flying along near the top of a mountain, and noticed I ws going to fly into a tree on my present flight path. I didn't bother changing course, as in CFS 3 trees were brown and green rectangles with no colliders to save memory space, and moments later, my right wing was gone and I spun into a mountain, confused for much longer than I'm prepared to admit. I'm definitely going to keep playing, it's a really entertaining game!
  15. One of the best, but no-one could come close to GLaDOS. I had to do that exact thing when the turtle beach Z6As I got for my birthday unexpectedly went dead in the left ear cup the week before Christmas. Nice timing, as I had an excuse to replace them with some vastly superior Logitech G440s with warranty, but I was pretty disappointed with turtle beach. Looking forward to your series!
  16. Nice plane! It looks Stock, so we've nearly caught up with the modded entries! As for the bombs, I'm going to have to say no, to put everyone on an absolutely even playing field.
  17. Here are my mining fleet vessels, The AMC-1 Leviathan, a mining freighter designed to be constantly refuelling itself of asteroids around Kerbin, and selling the excess ore. It works in conjunction with Oasis station, a old pre-Siege of Kerbin station in Mun orbit which has been refitted and upgraded with larger crew space, more ore storage and a anti-fighter I-Beam tracking turret. Before the siege of Kerbin it was solely open to F-Tech ships, but as a show of faith, the company has allowed any allies of HKA access to trade ore. Leviathan: (The asteroid is an asteroid, not Gilly) Oasis station: Both have been built with have reasonable part counts in mind, being 225 and 320, respectively. I don't have downloads right now, but I will put them up later today.
  18. Looks good, is it Stock? I'm thinking of getting rid of the modded and stock categories, and just having one category for all craft.
  19. Looking forward to it, the pics have got me excited! I think I'm going to stop new entries, put up the poll and the assignment on Wednesday, giving everyone 3 days to find time for the proving trials, which should be enough. I will then announce the winner on Saturday, with a combination of votes and performance in the trials, and put up the new specifications.
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