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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. @ShadowGoat The SC Death is, ironically, dead. Also ironically, the SC Shade, the capital-ship-that-must-not-be-named, actually fared better than the SC Death against the bane of SC vessels, the EX-7 Hyperion. After assessing the damage, Jeb declared the Hyperion fit for combat. The outer hull hadf suffered some damage, but nothing to major. The engines and all but one fuel tank are intact, and the only thing completely destroyed was the left I-Beam pod. Closing to optimum range, Jeb launched a G3 Torpedo to test the waters. (armour) It impacted the Death in the front, and took out the entire section. Though being given a VERY bloodly nose, (literally) It was not destroyed. To rectify this, Jeb launched a G4H torpedo. It flew right in the hole left by the G3, and gutted the internals, while also knocking off the front "cluster nukes" at the same time. With it's generators and control destroyed, and no fragments capable of fufilling any of the three survival criteria, the SC Death is nothing more than a floating hulk. GG, I still think you should work on smaller ships like the breakthrough. I checked the mass in map view in the main battle, and I was impressed that you had crammed THAT many I-Beams onto a fully armoured 25 ton ship, I bet it would be a match for a EX-8 Selene. Smaller ships are easier to work with, and the 3 way battle in which you have twice as many turns and over 100 tons more mass proves that they can be just as effective. @AlexanderTeaH Are you still up for fighting the winner? @Spartwo I like that screenshot. I like it alot. Are those SSTO fighters?
  2. Yeah, the damage is minimal. nothing important destroyed.
  3. Blowing up and crashing, make sense, but cutscenes? Do you have a video?
  4. I highly doubt its crippled. Theres just about nothing important in that section, and it wobbled before the missile hit it. Edit: I just did some math, and your cluster nukes must weigh at least 8 tons each. <slowly shakes head> I feel very, very small...
  5. They are guided in manually, lining up the prograde vector with the target symbol on the navball. They are like mini planes, with fins and control, and a hit on the fuselage at a decent speed will destroy just about any plane. So more explosions.
  6. Ok, MiG-21 MK2: Thoughts? In other news, Air to Air missiles are my new favorite thing.
  7. I kinda threw it together with one glance at a picture from a weird angle, but now I see the resemblence. Give me a minute, I am working on a refined one right now.
  8. You don't see a lot of stock warships except in the naval battle club, and I like it, I like it a lot. The interior looks really good, it's hard blending detailed interiors and functional ships, and it looks like you pulled it off. I'll have to test it later against some of mine, great looking ship.
  9. Nice! I have done the same thing with four ion engines in an intake, but that looks great with junos, well done. The shape of the jet looks spot on.
  10. How about something like "Kerbal Architect Program" wherein you have to build a stationary building with no way of moving, then add it to the space centre by using some system to tranport it to the complex somehow? (I.E. detachable rover wheels.)
  11. ok @ShadowGoat, here is the perist for the battle of the titans. sorry for the delay. https://www.dropbox.com/s/esunw550e3to8fl/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  12. Uptdated the download. https://www.dropbox.com/s/r8a64yfwrxeet1d/F-Tech Fish-4 Phantom.craft?dl=0
  13. I couldn't think of any other way to differentiate the name between the actual F-4 Phantom, and fishes!
  14. The video is private, and I REALLY want to watch it!
  15. you can transfer saves and crafts by copying everything from your old save folder into the new save folder.
  16. Haha, poseidons don't go down that easily. <knowingly taps nose>
  17. Deal. Though it's armour looks tough, I doubt anything can stand up to <count on my fingers> 18 I-Beams, 6 G3 Torpedoes and 2 G4H Heavy Torpedoes. One question: do you mean fight the same type of ship as the victor, or the same, probably damaged ship? Because I don't think either of our ships could survive two encounters with 2 ships in excess of 150 tons each.
  18. Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot, I was as playing with my new favourite toy. Ill probably have it up in around 20 minutes. Edit: sorry, I can't today. I'll have it tomorrow.
  19. Hello, I just saw this thread and the style of the flags looks really cool, could you do a request for me please? I am beginning a series of missions right now to find all the Duna anomalies, and I would like a flag for it if you have time. I don't have anything specific in mind, just some part of the Duna system with the words "Duna Amonaly Locator 1." edit: I just saw the personal messages thing. Sorry.
  20. if you do it in time, I can also do my turn later!
  21. F-4 Phantom Take-off. (can be done with or without afterburners) Flyby. A successful bombing run. A missile homing in. They can be surprisingly accurate for air to air, if you line your prograde marker with the target marker with the Navball. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r8a64yfwrxeet1d/F-Tech Fish-4 Phantom.craft?dl=0 MiG-21 The F-4 Phantom had been dominating the skies over the KSC for a few days now, so I thought "why not make it a rival?" Enter the MiG-21. It turned out great, and handles signinficantly better than all my other planes. These two replicas have quickly become my favorite HTOL planes, they're just so fun to fly around. If you have any doubts about installing scatterer and EVE, let me put them to rest. It carries 2 unguided I-Beams and 2 guided air-to-air or air-to-ground missiles. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xbqlmb76f332h7n/F-Tech MiG-21.craft?dl=0
  22. the hyperion isnt certified fro battling use by the F-Tech performance review board, it was meant as more of a figurehead. But fine. <sigh>
  23. @ShadowGoat it's your turn, by the way. yeah, thats fine. I always leave minimum one missile. That looks lethal, scary. I like the escape pods, it all looks really functional and cool.
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