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Everything posted by MiffedStarfish

  1. It works for my torpedoes, do you have pictures?
  2. @panzer1b Thanks for that advice as well, I will incorporate that into some of my new designs. My ships tend to be compact, with only 2 or 3 part half length girder spines (lengthwise), and I have found they can take a few hits, but nothing more than a decent 1.2 meter guided missile. @ShadowGoat I would add that you shouldn't strut too much, as if everything is completely rigid with the ships core it could cause more damage, as an impact will be worse if the armour section can't dissipate the blow by moving. As for weapons, Really Pointy, Really Fast. Seriously though, my top tip would be to not overbuild, only add just enough fuel and try to keep size down. Also experiment with different ranges, tips and propulsion, don't stick to one design. Edit: panzer, I just saw your craft repository, and those ships look amazing! Would you mind if I used some of them in this thread? You would be credited, of course.
  3. Looking good, but if you use nuclear engines with jet fuel tanks you get twice the fuel and a lot more efficiency. (At the cost of speed, which doesn't matter in turn based except for rendezvousing)
  4. Nice, I really enjoyed that battle, and when you have upgraded and rebuilt your ships i would totally be up for a rematch. Just remember, don't overbuild, try to keep mass down, and never attach anything important I.E engines, weapons hardpoints to fuel tanks. Link to Duna Raiders:
  5. The thing about the poltergeist still being alive? Oh your being sarcastic and i fell for it again. Persist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9p0hbph3puxmelc/Persistent.sfs?dl=0 Also here is the craft file for the EX-2 Poseidon, my all round workhorse of the fleet, for you to study the armour: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kevbfp4vuxc3wek/F-Tech EX-2 Poseidon.craft?dl=0 (oh by the way if you have read it do you have any feedback on the first 2 parts of Duna Raiders?)
  6. Did you read the spoiler? I am truly sorry.
  7. @ShadowGoat I just edited in the battle report, thats all your craft dead but if you want you can have the persist for ship testing. Also, you can have some craft files for my ships if you want to study the armour design, but no ripping off!
  8. yeah i can, from what ive seen you attach armour directly to squishy parts, you need to build armour of a girder skeleton and attach fuel radially to the core. Heres pics: There was a fairly large intact segment with engines left, but i figured it probably didnt have any fuel, so i left it alone. I think thats all your ships dead, but you can have the persist if you want to weapons test?
  9. Never mind, i just cut it in half with the eos's I-Beams.
  10. R.I.P. Did you edit in your carrier, because i cant find it. Or are you using sneaky stealth tactics? Also oddly, all the apollos missiles have fallen off without me firing them. they are all within load range of me, so woudl you mind if i reloaded them?
  11. @ShadowGoat @Spartwo Another loophole I thought of is that ships, if they have parachutes, could land and make targeting them impossible while being still alive. You are only using the one segment which is now inoperable, right? Now it is out of power are we classing the shade as dead, or are you going to cycle through the surviving sections? I'd prefer if we classed it as dead and apply the same rules to the Eos. I'll have my turn up in a bit. (Also, does anyone have any thoughts on duna raiders? It's my first story, so id appreciate feedback)
  12. 2/10, ive seen one of your posts somewhere...
  13. @Blaarkies So i was sort of right! Thanks for clarifying.
  14. @ShadowGoat Goodbye Shade. G4H torpedo 1: G4H Torpedo 2: You should have turned the 2 incoming missiles into a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias... Thats a complete all segments kill, as the main segment is destroyed. Persistent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wtvile8w3lqpgjl/Persistent.sfs?dl=0 (before you get your hopes up, the intact looking segment called ShadeG1 has no engines, weapons, power or tea.)
  15. umm. @ShadowGoat I just had a look at the shade, and it has fighters... and carrier cant have their own weapons.
  16. I don't know how DMP works, but I would check you are on 64bit and not 32bit, I don't think it works otherwise. also, I think you would be able to get better help on the DMP thread which I have put a link to Here. Good luck!
  17. Umm. No we don't. Going through the thread, can you quote me one person who was being agressive about your suggestion? Everyone was just asking for clarification or attempting to show you a solution based off "I want a compass on my mouse" and you insult them. You can't really pin this in on the people who tried to help you.
  18. I could easily be wrong here, but I thought klaws couldn't transfer fuel? As for refuelling there is no way to interact with the space centre beyond climbing the ladders. (And blowing it up ) I think the best way to do it would be to make all your crafts "uniform" in that they all have docking ports which connect at the right height, and thoroughly test it on different heights and ground angles before beginning. Unfortunately there is no way to land and just refuel from a fuel tank. You could use ISRU, but it would be very slow, and there is hardly any ore on Kerbin. I hope any of this helps!
  19. I used to play on a DMP server, my understanding is that you would need to get the other person on the first server to give you the ships with the "crafts" bar in the DMP tab, then in the files take them from the first servers save and put them onto your new one. Sorry if I misunderstood this, I hope it helps. Edit: I just understood what you meant. The only way to do that would be to base the server on the same save file as the first one, or quicksave teleport them there and manually remove fuel to create a "rough copy."
  20. Yes we all have. Without an intrusment panel. I've landed on the top of the island runway tower, only glancing at the speedometer, and I bet a lot of other people have too. If you want to blatantly insult everyone who attempts to understand what you want, rename it to the "guess what I'm thinking, and if you're wrong, I insult you" thread and move it to forum games. Would you have a case of agoraphobia if you pressed F2?
  21. Oh well, the Oceanus was never meant for battling, I built it for a cinematic my friends are both working on. I brought in the Eos as to even the tonnage a bit, as your ships totalled to 600 tons and mine to barely 300. I will take my turn as soon as I can. Just to be clear though, the battle ended last turn, this is just us mucking about with a lot of metal plates and a save file to put them in. Oh by the way, the first two parts of Duna Raiders are up. I won't tell you the results but they were mostly favourable.
  22. Persist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wtvile8w3lqpgjl/Persistent.sfs?dl=0
  23. Sure, yeah but after i edit in my new ships.
  24. I almost exclusivly build stock warships, so these would probably be totally useless to 90% of players, but I would really like curved structual panels.
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