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Slainte Maith

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Everything posted by Slainte Maith

  1. Interestingly, there's a PEGAS module also being worked on for MechJeb. It's been released in the latest dev version.
  2. Dare I ask about functional IVAs? I really love your work, but ran into issues with RSS/RO/RP-0. (Specifically with the Atlas as I recall--but I never got further.) Thanks for making this and releasing it to the world!
  3. Thank you so much! I look forward to trying your hard work!
  4. Using Eklykti's method... I got 259 x 135. ...but I put a forward-translation capable RCS on the nose of the Mercury capsule and dragged myself into 259x158 and feel better about it all, seeing as the Atlas will now burn up in the atmosphere. (I just looked this up: John Glen's first orbit was 265x159...so not bad!) Still. Getting closer. This was, after all, just a first go. I've love to see a guidance program written for KoS or something similar. Seems like it -should- be able to be done--only by heads smarter than mine.
  5. Okay, so how would the boot file look for, say, an Atlas or sputnik rocket which doesn't stage normally--but only drops boosters while the center engine continues to burn? I've been playing with the values, but the logic doesn't seem to be set up for it.
  6. Yes, but once it gets close to 0 periapsis, the apoapsis goes nvts and skyrockets. Even with negative pitch. It's -very- tricky with something like sputnik where you don't get a second stage, or a payload with thrust to clean up after. Close as I can get is Pe: 184km Ap: 1.76853Mm. I just can't react that fast.
  7. Has anyone written a comprehensive guide to RSS/RO about being able to get in to perfectly circular orbits? (margin of error less than a km) I'm perfectly fine with automated assistance. In fact, if anyone can point out any instance of flight--manned or unmanned--where a spacecraft got into orbit -without- automated assistance, I'd love to know about it... I don't have any issues getting in to orbit with RO; I have SERIOUS issues controlling the orbit I get in to. They tend not to be even slightly circular. Or the height I want.
  8. Nevermind. I was missing something. My brain. I found it. =) Great work!
  9. Where does the latest code for this live nowadays? I only see pegas_upfg and pegas.cser--which just do "program ended" when you run them. (I'm sure I'm missing something)
  10. +1 to this. Surely we're not the only people with this issue? I'd even be willing to accept that I'm missing something in the install/doing something wrong/experiencing bad karma so long as there's a fix somewhere. Seems this is fixed by this... https://www.dropbox.com/s/2kiug1k6opjvgqv/DeadlyReentry.dll?dl=0
  11. Well that's different, then. Thanks for clearing the ambiguity. My finger isn't exactly on the pulse of the mod community, so it might be understandable that it could be misconstrued. Then again, maybe not.
  12. It says it's in progress for a new update. That implies there's an existing version. One doesn't update something that doesn't already exist.
  13. Forgive my ignorance, but how would one use this with Realism Overhaul--or at the very least, a non RO Real Solar System? Engine ISP x 2 doesn't cut it, I fear...
  14. Silly question: Why is SSRSS in with everything else on the install? Shouldn't that -not- be there, as (I'm guessing) this isn't stock size?
  15. Latest issue (and since we're getting to 'graphical glitches,' the issue list is shrinking...) I'm using 64 bit, forcing DX11, have more RAM than Jesus, etc... When you zoom out from the shuttle, the texture turns that brownish tan and gets lines in. I've had similar issues with E.T.O. for RSS. https://goo.gl/photos/6gCmXVzCREdzMWsEA
  16. I did this. Then the OMS and RCS engines vanished from my part list and became invalid on my .craft. Am I using a wrong version of ...something?
  17. Any theories or fixes for this yet? (Pics one and three) I'm still having the same issue. Please let me know what information you'd need from me to assist. My PC is beefy enough to run this effortlessly. Thanks!
  18. GTX 1080, 32GB RAM Happens for me as well. This also happened with RSSVE, but they added a .cfg to fix it, which it did. My guess is that something similar is happening here. Here's the link to -their- fix in case it helps developing a fix for this... https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PhineasFreak/DocBin/master/DocBin/generic_files/RSSVE_Scatterer_PlanetFix_Config.cfg Can submit a proper bug report if one is needed.
  19. Where is this documented in a way that's useful to Kerbal and this .craft? Typically the shuttle deorbits over the Indian Ocean, which Kerbal doesn't have. It comes through the upper atmosphere at a 40-45 degree angle of attack (which I know does != 'pitch'), which this craft tumbles out-of-control if you attempt. Don't even talk to me about S-turns. I feel "Ask NASA" is far more rude as a response to my question, considering. ** Also tumbles out of control at 35 degrees pitch.
  20. Ur-hur. Do they have a 'Useless Answer To A Serious Question' department?
  21. Has anyone developed a reliable reentry procedure for this craft yet?
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