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Laythe Squid

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Everything posted by Laythe Squid

  1. Poland's Can Into Space List Of Float to Space with the Balloons Poland was tired of being teased. Last night, Russia had made a mean joke by pretending that Poland could into space. He couldn't. Poland had tried joining the EU, but they wouldn't let him into space. He had tried everything else, too. Nothing worked. But Poland had a feeling today would be different. He put on a harness and a spacesuit, as well as a parachute. He tied many party balloons to his harness. "UK, Russia, USA! Of come looking! I CAN into space!" They came. Poland cut his ropes, and up he went. 900 feet up, Poland's harness broke. "Oh no! Is of falling!" He pulled his parachute, and came down safely. Poland's Can Into Space List Of Float to Space with the Balloons Run Up the Ramp of Big
  2. Dis you know Poland can Into Space?
  3. When will we learn about the planets of this star?
  4. (heart attack).......................a-a-a b-b-black hole...........................................help................................
  5. Here, have a like. And a video, from Second Thought:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb-6LObOjUo.
  6. THE GREAT UNKNOWN This is not a thing that happened in KSP, but a story. There are going to be pictures. PART 1-SPACEPORT
  7. It can fly, if that's convenient. It's best if the craft is uncrewed, but I will allow manned missions. I will need to make a new category for that. No. I call hyperedit a cheat mod because you can teleport with it. I like MechJeb, because it gives some degree of autonomy. MechJeb is allowed. So is the Trajectories mod. DoctorDavinci, I'd love to see your video. It looks good so far, but I need all the required fields. Right now, I'd call this Hyper mode.
  8. Let's not use "its" in this thread ever again. EVER.
  9. OPM! OPM! OPM! OPA! (I is the chanting!)
  10. Life discovered on Laythe! The Pandora probe recently detected bacteria in hot springs on Horizon Island. The probe is the most advanced ever built. It's designed to swim and dive through Laythe's oceans, climb through the mountains, and walk across the shores and dunes. Yesterday, Pandora found alien life. This is a monumental discovery. A new age lies ahead!
  11. Ten hundred words we say most often...ON SPACE BOATS??? WITH WATER PUSHERS???
  12. Hey, I was wondering if I could use your ships and characters from SE-2 for my fanfic, Alien Skies(aka Newer Horizons),

  13. Yes, I do, unless the damage is kraken-related....Poor Zesty.
  14. Thank you. I fixed what you asked me to fix. I tend to say a rover is a probe that moves across the surface of a planet or moon. And yes, the super mode probe needs to walk.
  15. Any feedback is appreciated! Time for scientific genocide!
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