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Everything posted by StinkyAce

  1. Does anyone know how to add sounds to specific parts? I ask this cause I have a single hull ship with integrated landing gear, the ship has a custom engine sound, but I can't seem to get how to add a sound. Suggestions? For now I use the old siren mod, and swap the sound for mine. Kinda clunky, but it works.
  2. Is that the class? Or name. Basically what is it.
  3. Well call me out dated but I'm running 1.22, have not made the jump to 1.3 anything yet, but I believe they will work in the latest. I have a million star trek models, even some from the fasa board game. We are kinda working on an Indie release where ships do ship to ship combat as well as planetary stuff (sandbox) but for now, I use em here.
  4. Active texture management, search the forums. It compresses certain textures for ease in.loading
  5. Ok GUys, I have been asked for this one, So here it is.... The Imperial Star Destroyer.... This sucker is TITAN soooooo https://spacedock.info/mod/1677/TITAN CLASS SHIP 1
  6. Skunk Works presents, The Constitution Refit Available at Spacedock along with many other retools. https://spacedock.info/mod/1676/Constitution Refit
  7. Originally we were working on a game similar to FASA's Star Trek Tactical Simulation, but plans stalled, so now I use the Kerbal Game to test the feasibility of some if the ships. I'm interested in knowing what models you have? Stinky Ace
  8. Well the Bird of Prey Klingon Version and the D7M Ktinga are done, but something weird at spacedock, Not SECURE.. so maybe soon?
  9. I believe the arc 170 is in set 3, hmm have to check, also working on first order troop carrier, and a ton of star trek stuff.
  10. You can simply remark or remove it and it won't hurt anything.
  11. The Klingon D7a Is now available at the Spacedock as is the Pennsylvania Class Heavy Cruiser...
  12. Also the Romulan ship is there, Have fun Keep on Trekkin
  13. Terribly Sorry, I forgot to add the Photon Torpedo launcher in the Version 1.0.0 Now version has the Dual mark one Torpedos (Forward Arc Only) Added, Seem we let the USS KERBIN Leave drydock without the 200 Compliment torpedos.. Our bad..
  14. The USS Kerbin is on SpaceDock. Its a WIP, Having issues with sounds, Enjoy. if i forgot something, let me know.
  15. Well I just figured out weapons and turrets, have finished the First Order Troop carrier. (The.one that lands on Jaaku, ) so with a little time, there will be releases. Mostly sci fi stuff, some anime. (Yamamato from star blazers. And the such) Work kinda impeads progress. But thanks for inquiring.
  16. A better picture, shown firing HEAVY and medium laser bursts. All weapons built in, vtol or htol, nice space pirate version.
  17. A glimpse of future releases from SKUNK WORKS. The SCF4U, Space Corsair, heavily armed fighter. Estimated release date, spring 2018 with other capitol craft.
  18. Ascent is very slow going unless you use hyperedit and sling it into orbit
  19. The issue I'm having is doing the animation for a light source. Lol
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