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Everything posted by Pretorian28715

  1. Ok, so I have read most of the thread, and agree with some points and not others, so here is my tuppence. Firstly I will have to pay for the Expansion, I don't care, Take My Money Now please, I would pre-order this if I could. I paid about £19, on Steam, and have about 460 hours so far, meaning I have a £/hr cost of £0.04130435. At basically 5p per hour, and this is the best money I have spent in a long time, and I can't think of anything else to compare it with. Not to mention that I share my Steam Library with my Kids. Given all of that, I would happily have paid £1 per hour of game time, and still think I was cheating @SQUAD. Hind sight is a wonderful thing. I would pay for the expansion even if I bought the game before the cut off. I have also been thinking of buying another copy as my Son likes the game a lot (Explosions!?!), and this game is so educational (but the learning curve!!!) that even whilst he is laughing at his last failure he is learning. Also this is as close as I have got of fulfilling on of my dreams as I ever will, so to be able to support this effort is on my to do list, even if it was.... a..... Subscription based game, I would. To be frank how has this argument lasted for 35 pages????? why are people arguing about paying instead of discussing the features of the expansion, and yes you can do most of it with Mods, but if the Modders get bored, or whatever, then that Mod will likely disappear, with Squad adding it to the game it will never ever ever disappear, but likely be improved upon. So that is my little rant done. (Don't burn me I'm new here. )
  2. @The White Guardian kind of what I was thinking might be the case, although I was only looking for different not unique. Do you have or can you point me in the direction of a tutorial/code for non-height map planets then, or who I can ask about it?
  3. @The White Guardian Ok, but how different would they be if say the deformity was, say, 1000, 2000, , 4000, 8000 (Ignoring Seed)? and how does the Seed affect if you have the same deformity and different seeds? I have enough planets in my system to test this, but I'm not at home to be able to and I want to get the bodies working first then worry about terrain in a bit. So an understanding of what is happening first would be good.
  4. @VelocityPolaris Correct me if I'm wrong, but @Just Jim I think that is kind of the point (and fancy seeing you here) from what has been described it is supposed to be hard to see things, as caused by the 'Event'. Although I would appreciate the images being not quite so dark. For example, in the below I have no idea what is supposed to be happening in this image? @VelocityPolaris Don't get me wrong I love the story so far, but half these stories are told in screen shots it is good to be able to see the detail, I would suggest one of the ambient light mods (although I have not used any my self, not sure if Just Jim could advise, just look at Emiko, fairly sure he knows what he is doing) This reminds me of the Forgotten Space Program (By @Cydonian Monk) mystery and suspense and all that, and Kerny Kerman's Journal (By @adsii1970) with the first 'Kerbal' view. In short keep it up.
  5. @Just Jim you could be right with the '97 thing, according to this Page, it was added from 2007 release (AddinPATCH). I've not used OpenOffice, so no idea, but would think so, especially if they are trying to match the functions in MS Office. Well I'm reading Emiko (of course), Kerny Kerman's Journal, Past the Haze, Forgotten Space Program, Year 312, and any others that catch my eye (some have been followed then un-followed)
  6. @The White Guardian oh well was hoping for a kind of progression for me to work through. I wanted to do it all text/code based really, but I think I'm gonna have to, for the editing of the PQSMods. Incidentally would you be interested in joining the Alpha group? Just have a few tweaks (hopefully) then I can offer an Alpha version for a select few (4-6 people) to view and advise on. Alternatively if you can suggest anyone that would be willing to, that would be great too?
  7. @The White Guardian thanks for the answers, but I think you missed my first one, I was asking if I have 1 set of Textures (e.g. Earth_Height, Earth_Colour and Earth_Normal) could I then use that for multiple planets but have different PQSMods to cause each to look different, say by having different seeds? To use a Minecraft example I've seen (can't remember who) it is one 'Planet' but if you generate the world with a different Seed number it is completely different to what is created if you have alternative Seed. Hope you can see what I'm thinking.
  8. @Snark I did mention I was new, didn't I???? but thanks never really sure where to put the questions. However this may well end I the release of a Kopernicus based System. Secondly, what on earth is your profile image, I'm sure you've been asked this before but I have not stumbled across the answer yet? to everyone else thanks for the information/advice this is gonna help a lot.
  9. @Just Jim it depends on how technical you want to get, but copy each chapter into MS Word, Save As... choose .pdf That would do it. if you wanted to add title pages etc... then it's in Word.... I thought about pulling this into a file for safe keeping as I have noticed a few post about lost forum content/crashes, and I like it enough to warrant a re-read at some point. Hard to say I have a few, Thompberry and his Foil (can't remember her name), Emiko, the Twins and of course the Famous Four, the trouble is that I'm reading 3 or 4 stories on the forum, and am starting to get them crossed over, unless I'm reading them.
  10. Hi All, What are the options for licences and which is 'Best'? Also if the Mod is based on a Film, Series or sum such (e.g. Star Trek, Star Wars, Mass Effect, Halo etc...) what are the conditions or requirements? and as most Mods are made for the love of the game is it even a consideration? As noted in other posts I'm new to Modding and would appreciate any help/pointing in the right direction
  11. To all - A couple of hopefully quick question? Kopernicus based How can I use 1 set of Textures (Height, Colour and Normal) for multiple Planets, but still have them look different? Would I use different PQSMods? or How? Also can I use math within the .cfg's, as I've been looking at Stellarator and To Boldly Go for inspiration, and found that in the .cfg's for Stellarator there is this: "deformity = 150 * (planet.radius / 10) / 13"?? is this part of how Stellarator works or can Kopernicus use this to help with the VertexHeightNoise module that it is in? And if anyone can add to this, thanks in advance. Modding based - Also if I want to share what I am working on. Guess I would start a thread in Add-on Development? Initially to request for Testers/feedback?, but again not sure how to go about it. Would I ask for Testers and share with only them or open it to all and hope I get people that will provide feedback? Any and all help/advice will be appreciated.
  12. @The White Guardian thanks for those, can you give them ratings (e.g. 1 = easy to 10 = 'very' expert) and a short description, if you have any Templates as well would be useful (think I have your Gas Giant one already. . If you know of and can add/suggest any other tutorials that you feel are good too, that would be excellent. What I am trying to do is create a new System, mainly for myself to explore as I will be using the KSP-IE mod, and need some where to go. however it is based on a SciFi series that I like (don't want to give the name yet as it might spoil the surprise), and if I can get it to a suitable standard (e.g. OPM, Cyran/Cerillion, Valentine Dwarf star, etc...) I might release it to everyone. . It will include Suns, rocky (Kerbin), ocean (Laythe) and Gas Giants (Jool) types, there is also an Asteroid belt or two but not sure how to do those at all (or if it is worth it). As I am very new to Kopernicus, I wanted a thread that gave a list of tutorials similar to the Community Mod list, this way not only can I benefit from the raft of knowledge available from the Forum this thread could form the basis for other new to System Building to begin, also as a repository for all who need/want it. So any help will be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hello All, Ok, I am very, very new to the forum, mostly lurked and read various threads. Had to start commenting on some very good content however, so needed an account. I have also thought about the Mods out there and especially Kopernicus, I have looked at the various Star Systems available and have been very surprises that something I have not seen available. So I would like to learn how to use Kopernicus to create this Star Systems and once complete share it with everyone. But first I need help, can any who can or are willing point me in the direction of tutorials (on or off the Forum) that will allow be to understand and learn how to use Kopernicus to fulfil my goal. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. I would also update this post with a list of the recommended tutorial as well. [If this is in the wrong place, again any advice would be appreciated]
  14. @Just Jim S'ok, I like how you both have built believable characters and situations, so if you ported the story out of KSP in to a real-world SciFi setting they would still work (allowing for a few tweeks of course). @Cydonian Monk was not too serious, as noted by others, don't rush on my account, quality verses quantity and all that.
  15. WHAT, no... nnoo... nnnnoooo... SSSCCCCHHHHRRRREEEEECCCCCCHHHHHH [run's into brick wall at end of chapter] [wakes up half hour later] what was that. [Dawning realisation] NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................ OUT OF CHAPTERSSSSS... Where's my precious????!!!!!!!....... [Snaps back to reality] @Cydonian Monk ok just crammed all this in about 4 days, I must say between you and @Just Jim I have been on the edge of my seat for the last couple of weeks, in an enjoyable way though. Both of your series' have really brought the game to life, really wish there was a real story based Campaign. Oh and..... MOAR PLEASE, MOAR PLEASE, MOAR PLEASE, MOAR PLEASE, MOAR PLEASE, MOAR PLEASE [ok that's enough]
  16. Hi,

    Can I request that you create a thread showing your Kopernicus Tutorials in ascending order of difficulty (and any relevant Video links).

    I am just starting to look at adding a System to KSP and would like to have a step by step guide on what to do.

    Oh, just thought if you wanted to do a general (including other forum members tutorials too) list similar to the Communities Mod and Add-on List? Mainly asking this as there are a lot of Kopernicus Tutorials but I have no real idea which one to start with.

    Thanks in advance.


  17. @Gaarst, I would like to suggest: - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/141205-12-esld-jump-beacons-revived-09/#comment-2616516 as maintained by @TMarkos, The ESLD Beacon network will get your Kerbals from point A to points B through Z in no time at all, presuming you've positioned and fueled them, read the warning manual and installed all necessary safeguards. Similar idea to the Mass Effect – Mass Relays.
  18. @Geschosskopf any chance of having this updated after 1.3 arrives? This is a very useful guide, as I really was not sure how I was going to organise inter-planetary missions once I got to them. This has given me a very good picture of what and how to do them, thank you, also having any additional information the update (of this thread) might add would be helpful. Considering what I know about KSP since the last update (adding MJ's ATTAP), I'm not aware of any changes that would affect this too much? However at only 450Hrs played I think I have a long way to go yet. Either way thanks for this v. helpful guide.
  19. You should probably not give Jim ideas, it is dangerous for the Kerbals. @Just Jim I must admit I have found this a very interesting story, I have been trying not to laugh too much at some of the references too. Most enjoyable. Eagerly awaiting MOAR Chapters!!!!!!!!
  20. Not sure if you are aware but the spreadsheet might help a lot. If you set it up with the text required to cause the formating once loaded into a Web page. Should save you a lot of time, to then concatenate the text and copy paste in. Hope this helps
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