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Everything posted by Pretorian28715

  1. Sorry to be a pain.... But firstly, how would I do that? what is the code/mod? and Second, would there be any issue with a Ring on a Star?
  2. I have been looking at the following, to try to understand what I am/can do in KSP more. However some of the Equations are missing/not showing up. Does anyone know what they should be?
  3. Erm... How? and does it only add 1, 2 or n, and define an area for them to spawn? Specifically because My System Pack has Belts and I wanted to represent the orbit/location with something [a Ring, which would represent a region where they should be], and so I could only add the 'important' ones without causing too much clutter. So in general could it be done?
  4. I have what might be a silly question, but might not be. Is there a way, or any reason why I could not, put a Ring on a Star, I was thinking that this could be used to represent Asteroid Belts for now? What does everybody think? and is it even possible?
  5. So 0.22 is now up, and should be compatible with 1.3 [feedback please] 0.22 .cfg file tweaks/clean up. Compatibility for KSP 1.3 [Hopefully] Please let me know how this goes.
  6. Tried this in 1.3, but it did not load, need to test a bit more, should be for the next version. As noted in the OP, I'm new to Modding, and not too sure what affects what, but I have noticed something that might be causing it. Should have 0.22 up later today [not at home ATM, so cannot test until later either], any and all constructive feedback is appreciated.
  7. Ok, 0.21 is up. KSP 1.2.2 still, for now. 0.21 .cfg file tweaks/clean up. Texture file formats changed Added System Map Distance from Sun (Kerbol) changed to 5 Light Years. Let me know how this goes.
  8. Ok I see now. The problem with your question is that it was too vague. So it is best to ask some thing like: Is tutorial X still valid in current version of KSP and if not what would I need to consider? Generally if I find a tutorial I think about it first, based on age and (if noted) KSP version, then if I'm not sure I have asked about it. Last one was on Flotillas. The Guys and Gals on here are very helpful and would answer you [with or without sarcasm/jokes] and you always get considered answers. In general most tutorials should be good, unless you have something specific in mind.
  9. The Orbit is a Bodies path around it's Parent Body, e.g. Kerbin around it's Sun, or the Mun around Kerbin. Also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit No idea, there is a post mentioning a PDF but it does not seem to be available to all, and I have not found one myself.
  10. With this Excel formula: - =(2*PI())*(SQRT((r^3)/μ)) r = semiMajorAxis of the Orbit you want the Period for. μ = GM = the Gravitational Parameter of the parent body (e.g. the Sun (Kerbol) for Kerbin) The above will give you the orbital period of the full orbit, for a Hohmann transfer just divide it in half for the transfer time. I am having the same problem with the Equations in the OP, I have posted in the thread for an update but might have to PM.
  11. Hi @Thomas P., I wanted to use Kittopia to resolve a problem I'm having with Planets in a Star System I'm developing, but I can find no form of Tutorial/Documentation for Kittopia. Do you know of any? Or can you help with this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/140580-130-122-kopernicus-release-2-may-30/&do=findComment&comment=3071168 What info do you need? Thanks in Advance.
  12. I think this is the Time for Hohmann transfer, and some of the equations I can't see, can you Quote it please?
  13. @Kosmo-not could you please update the OP as the equations are not displaying. Thanks
  14. So no need to panic yet then??? Well I'm just sitting awaiting the next instalment, trying to be patient about it. Probably should not have caught up as quick as I did. .
  15. Well @Just Jim hopefully disaster averted. I would hate for Emiko to have to do a Forgotten Space Program..... Or would I????????? No actually I would. It would crash the whole story, fingers and everything else crossed for you.
  16. Erm... not sure how to do that but could at some point try to figure it out. And the System is all Stock scale. And if any one wants it I could make it Earth, but would again need to figure how first. With the textures I can do up to 4096 as have them but I have to think of every body and for the moment I am in a testing phase need to workout the kinks first. So only 1024 for now, this is so that the more people that can use it the more feedback I can hopefully get.
  17. So, I'm still on 1.2.2 and the previous version of Kopernicus. So I'm still having the black planet problem. If I look at one of my creations in Map view or even above the fade in height the planet appears black, I do see that the height map is working in either case as the rim of the planet is no longer a smooth curve. So I also moved one of the planets to within the orbit of Moho and it is still black. I have gone up and down my .cfg and compared it to the ones in OPM, but I cannot see what would be causing this. Help please this is frustrating me a lot.
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