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Everything posted by Pretorian28715

  1. @Just Jim Sins of a Solar Empire? Redemption? I think... I have not played that in ages....
  2. Gonna have to watch this at some point. Keep us posted as to the other voyages.....
  3. Interesting, but whilst I like this I'm not usually able to watch videos, how soon will the the text report be?
  4. Herasy, report him to the Mods. Let their anger fall upon him, in a Deletious rage.. [Or maybe not, but why would you admit to this] [Unless you want @adsii1970 to bring Wrath upon you, lol].....
  5. That's not a problem really, when it's ready. As I've said before Quality over Quantity any day. Always liked FSP, and this is interesting, seems you have a writer's 'hand.
  6. Ok, this is now getting silly. I have 5 or 6 threads in the 'Mission Reports' I follow now. Think I need to do one myself....... Maybe.... But, seriously good stuff, awaiting MOAR!!!
  7. Post to follow. I so need to work out KSPI-E this should give ma a lot of the Theory, from the look of things so far... Awaiting MOAR...
  8. Why...... Why has it taken me nearly a week to see this......... you 'd me again.
  9. @Just Jim there is an easy way to deal with this, refuse to produce any more Emiko. All complaints of Jim why did you not fix..... [TARGET LOST] [REFUSING TO RE-AQUIRE TARGET] [I NEED MORE EMIKO] [I WILL NOT, I WILL NOT, NOPE, NOPE] Would disappear in an instant, guaranteed........
  10. "Not if you compensate for the reversed neutron flow, through the primary buffer panel"
  11. and in the words of @Just Jim: - dun dun dddduuuuuuunnnnnn
  12. So had a look at the Null Cycles, and a lot of the links don't work. Is that because of the forum crashes that have occurred? And can you re-post them?
  13. Like the sound of this, can't wait for the images too.
  14. Comment for following. And this is interesting, seeing the different styles.
  15. It's bbbaaaacccccckkkkkkkk..... Yeah, been waiting for this, thought it got forgotten..... LOL. Nice start too
  16. Can you not just delete the node from the persistent file??? Or re-position it??
  17. Why do people do this. STOP GIVING @Just Jim IDEAS.... lol just kidding. But pls stop, for the Kerbals sake
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