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Update Guy

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  1. Is there a way to cancel a build after it's ready to be finalized? My build has parts clipping with my base's launchpad and no matter how I try to approach it, it ends with my base being destroyed.
  2. I'm a bit of a dummy. What visual mod adds in Kcalbeloh's accretion disk? I have Parrallax but that doesn't seem to add it
  3. So...I'm new to this mod and I wanted to see if I could gather some advice from more seasoned veterans. Given the escape velocity for Alter Kerbin is 2k m/s more than OG Kerbin, how do you guy develop your rockets? I'm not far into the tech tree but I'm trying to build something that can escape while not being a gigalith rocket. Any tip/pointers you could give me? Also really love that Parallax puts the KSC in the middle of the jungle. Feels like like I'm tiny and launching rockets from some guy's backyard.
  4. So, I'm finally getting ready to come back to KSP and looking at starting fresh with a new save and mods. I've seen videos showcasing Parallax but I want to ask is it compatible with all mods that add planets or just specific ones? Planet pack I had in mind was Alpharia which is a deep cut but I enjoy it.
  5. I think originally in my head, adding a mining moon to Cytaria would essentially make the system "Jool but Blue" but the more I thought about it, the worse it sounded so nevermind.
  6. It'd be neat to have but I don't know if that'll push Cytaria to become "Diet Jool." If you do want to go through with a mining land, maybe adjust one of the current moons? Maybe Darset for extra hard mode?
  7. I am in search of some guidance from more seasoned users of this pack. I have set up a space station around Cyz/Elysium and I'd like to expand out to make it more of a hub for other missions. I'd like to set up a mining base on Spud but I can't seem to find an encounter that isn't me just whizzing by it. What is the best way to encounter this little fellow or do I need to try and mine elsewhere in the Cytaria system?
  8. My tech tree is almost completed. I think I'm down to like the ending nodes for 1 or 2 paths but I don't have any spaceplane parts. I doubt the Saturn V parts live there though.
  9. I hope this is the right section to post this: I'm playing a 1.12 save with both expansions on in Science Mode. I'm need to locate the Saturn V parts to construct a large enough rocket to haul a base I made but I can't seem to locate any of the parts? Is this something not available to Science Mode users or is it just glitched out? (I have other parts from MH like the lander bits, just not the Saturn V pieces.)
  10. Well, tried the trick to get the 1.3 GPO pack to work on 1.4 and I think I borked it up. What I saw looks really nice but I can't access any buildings at the KSC. This is why I'm not allowed to rig mods unsupervised. Guess I'm back to waiting for the official 1.4 release.
  11. Woo, those look awesome! Shame I won't get to look at them until Making history comes out and all my other mods finally update to 1.4.1 ...Man I have way too many mods
  12. So I don't think this is normal. I think it might be left over from some old files from the previous mods I forgot. What should I look for to fix this? Note, the square also affects Vulkan
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