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Everything posted by Chel

  1. I loved Rogue One more than Solo. Especially the space battle. But the prequel trilogy is still fun to watch. Isn't that the movie about the growing alien organism on the ISS that kills everybody and makes it's way down to Earth at the end?
  2. So it's a submarine that can go into orbit from the water, or a submarine already in orbit that can go through re-entry and land in the water and still survive?
  3. Ye. KSP's graphics give it an old, slightly charming feel. And besides, if graphics were completely overhauled, my framerate (as low as it already is), would be absolutely murdered.
  4. Yep. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=en
  5. Is the 'grammatical error' the underscores in my username though. (Pls answer) Also banned for having such a large member title
  6. Agreed. Every episode before Scorpion part 1 is boring, only when Jeri Ryan comes in do the episodes actually become good. Lots of explosions
  7. The underscores? Also banned for not changing your profile picture from the default
  8. Ohhhhh. Now I understand. Why am I feeling so confused today? First it was with the kerbal courage/stupidity, and now with this!
  9. The Stayputnik doesn't have SAS though. I'm proposing a full-featured probe core like nose cone design
  10. Not really: https://photos.app.goo.gl/jHUrWBune2emhRWY8
  11. What about Star Trek: Voyager? It's still a great series to rewatch every now and again
  12. Ha! I also feel stupid for not picking every kerbal that came up!
  13. Are you telling me that all this time it didn't matter what the courage/stupidity level was? It didn't affect the kerbal's ability in any way?
  14. I use an extension called 'Dark Reader'. Currently, the white is turned to black, all the text is white, and it's dark blue. It also uses less battery too.
  15. I love the prequels. The meme quality is amazing! Also, Rogue One and Solo are both prequel, so it's still alive (and we don't need to get a medical capsule)
  16. Forget the most puzzling questions in the universe. Forget the reason of life and why we are all here. The real question is: What would you do for a Klondike bar

    1. Piatzin


      Nah, Toblerone is better

  17. Yes! The Star Wars prequels! Episode 1, 2, and 3!
  18. Welcome to the forums! First of all, did you buy KSP from www.kerbalspaceprogram.com?
  19. Multiplayer KSP is very, very unlikely, but this would be a fun mode. Basically multiplayer is hindered by timewarp, and I don't particularly want to be spending several months to a year progressing my craft to Jool or Eeloo and then back again.
  20. What about an early-game one then. Something before you get to the mid and high-end tech tree
  21. I started a new career mode save, and got to orbit in around 20 minutes. A new personal best!
  22. No. Well not at least in stock KSP
  23. Hello! I have built many craft with Mk1 sized parts, but I find it annoying how there is a Mk2 Drone Core, and yet nothing for Mk1. Sure, we have the CH-J3, but that is not capable of controlling a craft. I suggest a Mk1 drone core, maybe it could be a long nosecone, or like the Mk1 cockpit but with the windows covered and replaced with wires or panels. Thoughts about this?
  24. I don't care how much this costs. I need this as my school bus
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