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Everything posted by Chel

  1. I recently watched the Star Wars prequels (Episodes 1, 2, and 3), and felt like a kid again when I first saw them in cinemas. I also just had to laugh at the quotes that became memes.
  2. i t   i s   t - p o s e   t u e s d a y   m y    b r o t h e r s   a n d    s i s t e r s


  3. Day 6: I am now able to levitate small objects at will from approximately 3 meters away, simply by looking at them

    1. Kernel Kraken

      Kernel Kraken

      Day 6 of what?

      Or am I an idiot.

      I feel like I should know this.

    2. Chel
    3. Kernel Kraken

      Kernel Kraken

      Oh, forgot. It's November.

  4. I also don't have Making History, but I believe this thread should be moved to 'Gameplay Questions and Tutorials'.
  5. Hello! I have a challenge: Build a Mecha (a large machine controlled by a human/kerbal). As it's really hard to move things in only stock KSP, I'm allowing the use of mods for movement of arms, legs, and other things. It can be as small as you want or as big as you want, no size rules apply (But no excessive use of TweakScale). Submit your designs below, but more importantly, have fun!
  6. An easy option would be to just go into GameData, look at the mods, and then just list them in a post.
  7. 815 posts. Only 685 more till 5 dots. And when I achieve 5 dots, I will have transcended this plane of existence. 

  8. What is your computers frame rate? Or should I not want to know the answer...
  9. I agree. While Debug menu is good for testing out stuff and learning how to basically play the game, you will eventually have to do things without a cheat sheet.
  10. We will watch your craft design with great interest!
  11. Another poster! This is actually getting me hyped!
  12. One time I made a complex Eve mission, I was really proud of getting to and landing on Eve. I got through the atmosphere just fine, picked a place to land, and touched down without any problems. But then I realised: I forgot to attach a ladder to my spacecraft. So basically I couldn't do anything, couldn't try to jump and board (because we all know how Eve's gravity works), and I felt like an absolute idiot.
  13. Day 5: I have begun to 'hear' memes and see nothing but fluorescent light

    1. Kerbinchaser


      Heaven has arrived. 

  14. Day 4: I have passed, I am beginning to be able to move small objects around simply by looking at them

    1. Coca992



    2. Chel


      It's difficult, just warning you

    3. Kerbinchaser



      I don't think that's healthy. Just sayin'. 

  15. I'm talking about submarine parts being implemented into the stock game. Not about using hyperedit to cheat
  16. physics.exe has stopped working Kwindows is trying to diagnose the problem
  17. True, but it still doesn't completely eliminate the chance of destruction through overheating
  18. For a long re-entry though, it increases the risk of overheating and destruction of your spacecraft
  19. My new 'creation' is a 4-kerbal pod, of only command seats and structural wings. I'm doing tests to see if it can survive re-entry
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