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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. Did you just skip a number? Is it because @53miner53 faltered by forgetting a number? -86 (+)
  2. Bill Cipher re-reboots the universe to his will.
  3. Lolololol -- *cough* *cough* Try not pressing send twice.
  4. Wrong!!! For that, I get an extra point. -90 (+)
  5. AG1 for nuclear engine, AG2 to activate RAPIERs; never use Stage, AG3 to change RAPIER mode, and AG5 for solar panel
  6. Hey, look on the bright side. I put a more powerful engine in place of the Raptors and SpaceX will not kill me as I put my cookies in a pod that I stowed away on the fairing. SpaceX will thank me. (First SSTO with payload) Space's cookies.
  7. You can copy my SP-12 Explorer orbital spaceplane. Or you can go to the most recent save. I have the SP-12 there (I hope).
  8. Granted. It's from Bill Cipher's Weirdmageddon. I wish for an M-16A4.
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