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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. Alt+F9, Alt+F9, Alt+F9. My cookies.
  2. Honestly, if I can (I can't), I will run for president to support NASA in space exploration.
  3. See, this is why I got kicked out of a forum. @53miner53
  4. I am actually rather adept at intermediate mid-poly modelling. TUBM is a good singer.
  5. For the first question, No idea. Second question, I dunno... Waiter, there is a kerbiloid clone in my soup!!!
  6. Well, how would you fire a G3? And I have seen the pic. The shot on the corvette.
  7. @panzer1b AKSTech ships seem small, how's their armor protection? Honestly, I might want to do an all out TDM battle after this.
  8. Hey, if this thread is inactive for 3 more days, I will contact the mods. "Waiter, there is a Bill Cipher in my soup!!!"
  9. Okay. I get the other 11 cookies. You keep yours. My cookies.
  10. Yep. Aerospace Engineering. TUBM is an insanely inept student.
  11. @MiffedStarfish To be honest, when I tested your G3 against my Destroyer (or was it my Flagship?), it did only moderate damage, but a few times (meaning, inconsistent) it did some meaningful damage. Meanwhile, when I shot a Javelin on your Hyperion, it ripped off the back of the craft, but it can still run. It should take at least 2 well-placed Javelins to incapacitate your Hyperion.
  12. Fun Fact: Destroyers are not the most powerful nor the biggest ships, the mantles go to the Flagship and the Carrier, respectively.
  13. Wings are hard to use for me. Unlike plates, wings cannot be layered.
  14. That's what my most recent ships are made of.
  15. @Spartwo Do you have tips in shipbuilding? I actually started shipbuilding when I got invited to the Battle Royale, so most of my ships are just big "mass produced" boxes with missiles outside.
  16. I may have sent my 4 passengers on the only remaining space (Hitchhiker Storage Container) in the station.
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