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Julien Kerman

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Everything posted by Julien Kerman

  1. Hi, so I updated SVE a few days ago via CKAN, and now my Jool has rings. Dont get me wrong, they are awesome, but I still prefer the "classic" Jool. Who knows which file I have to delete in order to remove them ?
  2. The transfer window for Jool opened, so I launched the new space station for Vall which I prepared yesterday. Here you can see the station with transfer stage & ion powered return capsule: Also a probe, which was launched almost 3 (in-game) years ago, finally passed Urlum's orbit. The mission is actually an experiment - I want to see how far a probe can get. It shows how far the outer planets are... Everything looks so tiny
  3. I prepared a new space station for Vall, which I will launch tomorrow.
  4. My manned Ike lander mission entered low Ike orbit (30km x 31km). I took the science data and started the deorbit burn. It was my first manned Ike landing in this career save. Everything went better than expected . Nevertheless I noticed that I should add some floodlights to the lander. After the touchdown Bob explored the surface and planted the first flag.
  5. "Jool Satellite v1" arrived and did its capture burn. It will still take a few corrections until the contract is satisfied. I also returrned back to the Duna system. This time I will try a manned Ike landing, especially after the first Duna Landing was a great success.
  6. My manned Jool mission returned back to Kerbin. Service module separation. And here you can see all the WorldFirst Milestones. The contract was actually to "Explore Tylo" (orbit Tylo, retun to Kerbin), but the Vall encounter took only ~150m/s, so I thought I could extend the mission. The mission was a huge success, because both Kerbals are Lvl 3 now, and I got over 1500 science points . The next mission to the Jool system will be a Vall orbital station, the contract is already accepted...
  7. "Dres Explorer" arrived! The probe had enough deltaV to get into orbit. Low Dres orbit, 4,4km x 5,3km I also returned Lanne Kerman back to Kerbin. During her manned Duna lander mission she never had any problems, and she will take the next transfer window. World First Milestones:
  8. I am using Markus1002's Skybox for Texture Replacer. https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/markus1002s-galaxy-skybox-for-texturereplacer/files
  9. I extended my space station "SkyLab". First, I removed the oldest station core. Then I added a new docking arm: I also noticed that I need more energy, so I built new solar panels and added them: Finally I decided to add a second multi-port.
  10. For me, the videos were entertaining.Nevertheless it is a pity that they were fake, but I am not upset.
  11. I returned my manned Lander Mission from the surface of Duna. I also placed a new orbital station in orbit around Eve.
  12. I woke up early, so I thought I could play some KSP . First, I landed a probe on the surface of Pol. Then I visited one easter egg on Minmus: I also accepted a new contract to put a new orbital station in orbit around the sun. I never had such a massive payload . Here is my station:
  13. I built a new probe to perform a Dres fly-by. The probe is not very heavy, so I could use my smallest launcher. To complete the burn, I had to use the ion thrusters. This is the probe. After a few corrections, I ended up with this.
  14. I accepted a new contact. Mission Objectives: -Acquire 1900 units of fresh ore from the Mun -Put your ore in orbit of Kerbin. So I used my biggest launcher. (Payload to low Kerbin orbit: a lot) Low Kerbin orbit: 96km x 80km Then I landed the Mining Lander.
  15. Two days ago, I launched my Moho Exlorer. Then I made a correction burn. 3 days until SOI-switch: On the left side you can see Eve and Jool . The probe performed a very low fly-by over Moho's Midlands. Then it left Moho's SOI again
  16. At the moment, he is hanging around in the Astronaut Complex
  17. If you enlarge the picture you should see a very tiny grey colored dot In the lower part of the circle.
  18. TOUCHDOWN !! My very first manned Duna Landing in career mode ! Look at Lanne Kerman, she is so happy and can't believe it. Then she went for a walk to explore Duna's surface and took some science data. She also planted a flag. Here is a amazing screenshot. It shows 5 planets seen in the night sky.
  19. I launched a probe to perform a Moho fly-by and to receive some science data there.
  20. Hello, I am looking for a mod which adds realistic prices for KSP. Does anyone know a mod ?
  21. This is my first try to post something here, so I hope everything will be fine. My Duna Lander Mission arrived at Duna and entered into an orbit. My Objectives for the mission: -Science data from space high over Duna & Ike -Science data from space near Duna -Land at Duna -Plant a flag on Duna -Return to Kerbin
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