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Julien Kerman

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Everything posted by Julien Kerman

  1. No I did not. The space for the waste is included in the command pod.
  2. At the moment, I am building a spacecraft which will do moon fly-by's and enter low moon orbits. The panel shows Food, Water and Oxygen support for ~53 days, but for Waste, WasteWater only 7, respectively 1 day. What happens if I stay in space longer than the supported 7 days ? Do I have to carry all the waste ?
  3. I landed my first probe on the surface of the moon!!! Deorbit burn. Unfortunately, the lander probe tipped over, so the solar panel is blocked and the batteries wont recharge At least, I satisfied two contracts and got the science data
  4. This is by the way one of my oldest screenshots.
  5. Sandbox: manned Eeloo landing + return to Kerbin without any mods Career: Apollo-style Gilly landing + return to Kerbin (over 1800 science) RP-0: Venus fly-by in 1958 I am currently playing RP-0, so I am sure the achievement will change soon.
  6. MechJeb2 KerbalEngineerRedux RealPlume KerbalAlarmClock ProceduralPars ProceduralFairings Raidernicks US Probes Pack Scatterer StockVisualEnhancements
  7. I tested my first version of a CSM in low earth orbit. It provides Life Support for 53 days, contains 1600m/s of deltaV and is powered by a single AJ-10-mid engine. Unfortunately, the solar panels are really bad, and the integrated battery provides power for only 2 days, so I wont be able to make a moon fly-by at the moment.
  8. F-22a Raptor flying next to the mountains behind the KSC (sandbox screenshot) Jool Explorer v1 (career): Laythe Lander Probe v1: (Career) Night Sky seen from Duna's surface ( Career):
  9. Today, Jeb went into space!! The first sub-orbital flight was a succes: The second flight too: Christmas in space must be awesome Then Jeb went to orbit, stayed in space for one day, and returned safely:
  10. I decided to try my first Venus fly by mission. I built 2 probes ( Mariner 1 & Mariner 2), the first one was a success , the second one failed. Night launch. Finishing the transfer burn. 3 days until SOI switch. Just beautiful...
  11. So today I built a new rocket in order to launch my first moon probes. Payload to LEO: ~ 7-8 tons, Payload to the moon: ~2-3 tons. Boosters: 4 x LR-79 Core stage: 1 x RD-108 Upper stage: 1 x LR-91 The rocket worked perfectly, I launched at least 7 of them to the moon in order to satisfy contracts or get science points.
  12. I started a new RSS RO RP0 save and did all the basic stuff, sounding rockets and early science experiments so that I can aim for the first orbital attempts and manned flights tomorrow.
  13. How did you get this "STS Flight Director" sticker ?
  14. So today I decided to launch the american SkyLab station into orbit: I also built a Falcon 9.... ....a Titan 3B.... ....and a Titan 3D.
  15. A few days ago, I installed the Realism Overhaul dev version. I returned a capsule from low earth orbit: And I performed a moon fly by
  16. So in my current career save, my longest Mission is Neidon Explorer v1, which will arrive in 5 years. My farthest probe is New Horizons: My farthest spacecraft ever (not in this save) is this one: I placed the probe that far out using hyperedit while messing around
  17. I started with my manned Vall Mission 1. Transferstage launch 2. Crew launch: 3. Tanker 1 launch: 4. Tanker 2 launch: TWR was 0.13 so I made multiple burns.
  18. I landed my second manned Duna Mission. Sarnus Explorer v1 started with its primary mission (fly-by all moons & take the science data),... ....and I decided to return from my Sun space station.
  19. Bob returned from his manned Ike Mission. Again, everything went better than expected. Worldfirst Milestones: I also prepared my very first manned Mission to Vall. The screenshot shows the transferstage:
  20. The Duna --> Kerbin window opened, so I decided to return my manned Ike Mission. Also my Sarnus Explorer v1 probe has arrived!!! Awesome, isn't it ? I used a SRB to get into orbit:
  21. I added a new Viewing Cupola Module to my space station "SkyLab".
  22. I landed a new surface outpost on Minmus.... .....entered into an orbit around Moho (it took almost 4k m/s deltav)..... .....and I took this awesome screenshot:
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