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Julien Kerman

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Everything posted by Julien Kerman

  1. This is just more than impressive! What do you think about it?
  2. Today Jeb went to the moon. Orbit insertion burn: After 20 hours in low lunar orbit, he returned back to Earth. Contract complete!
  3. The Jupiter Explorer probes continued with their mission One week until periapsis. Closest approach is 12800km. Jupiter is huge Contract complete! Everything looks so tiny... Bye Jupiter
  4. The Jupiter Explorer probes entered Jupiters SOI Still almost 3 months until closest approach. The moons are already visible I also landed my 3rd probe on the surface of the moon. This time nothing tipped over and nothing broke! Gemini Lander Engine I love you!
  5. Just tested the pack, everything works perfectly. Does the [1.3] Cormorant Aeronology come with RP-0 configs ? If not, I will take the other one.
  6. I am looking for a mod which adds space shuttle parts and which is compatible with Realism Overhaul 1.2.2
  7. Val tested the new very-heavy-launcher and the new CSM. She was able to enter into the first moon orbit Launcher details: CSM details: Moon transfer burn: E EVA is always fun, especially in space near the moon: Then she returned back to Earth after her 13 day trip:
  8. I can recommend Stock Visual Enhancements Here a few screenshots (there are from KSP1.2.2 so its possible that they arent up to date anymore) Also, you could try a skybox, maybe this one:
  9. Is it possible to get Kopernicus ring shadows ( http://i.imgur.com/UaWxclZ.jpg ) for Saturn on KSP 1.2.2 ?
  10. I performed my second moon fly-by. On her 44 day trip, Valentina entered moon's SOI even two times ! (changed my skybox, the new one looks really beautiful) Still Life Support for 50 days. Reentry and splashdown.
  11. I always used a 2.5m to 2x 1.25m adapter with two KS-25 Vector engines. Examples:
  12. I know this skybox, too. You can get it here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/96851-11-texturereplacer-2413-442016/&page=66#comment-2933813Jade
  13. At the moment I am playing RSS RO RP0 and I love it <3
  14. Today I launched two probes to Jupiter. The first one didnt get close enough to the planet in order to satisfy the contract, but the second one (on the pictures) will do its job.
  15. Today I built 2 probes: Jupiter Explorer 01 & 02: Transfer window for Jupiter opens in 250 days.
  16. So, its time to land an unmanned probe on the surface of Venus. I've never done this before. Do you have experience or any advices for me? Do I need additional engines or is a single parachute enough for a safe touchdown ? I had the Idea to place everything inside a 2m ServiceBay with a Heatshield Down below and a parachute on the top, do you think that could work? By the way, here is my current TechTree:
  17. Today I landed a second Lander Probe on the surface of the moon. Well, technically this is a landing, right? I also placed a Satellite in a polar Earth orbit:
  18. I am playing the Realism Overhaul Career mode for KSP 1.2.2
  19. Today was a great day! My first Mars probe arrived. I had ~700m/s left, so I decided to try a capture burn: Success !!! Mount Olympus looks impressive... I also upgraded my heavy launcher:
  20. Finally, I unlocked better solar panels, so I could do a manned moon fly-by. Valentina is happy Then I launched a new probe with more science experiments to Venus: I also built two probes for Mars. The first one (on the picture) ran out of fuel, but the second one got an encounter and is going to arrive in about 250 days.
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