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Julien Kerman

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Everything posted by Julien Kerman

  1. The direct transfer to Makemake without Jupiter gravity assist takes around 10k m/s deltaV, this is why I chose the Saturn V and didnt go with a Saturn IB.
  2. Today I sent a probe to the dwarf planet Makemake: Arrival in T- 23 years
  3. @Krases holy sh*t, this looks insane. Can you give us some performance data? Mass, engines, payload to LEO ?
  4. Huh really? I used the RSRMV boosters which come with SXT (I believe). They also have realistic mass and thrust., and their description says they are the ones from the Ares V ?
  5. Although I cancelled a crewed Constellation Mars Mission during the 90's in my career, I am still working on the Ares V in a different save. The boosters and first stage work just fine, but I have massive problems with the upper stage Various sources show a payload capacity of 186 - 188 tons to LEO, but I cant even deliver a 160 ton payload into orbit. The J-2X is just way to weak and due to the 0.23 TWR, the upper stage always falls back into the atmosphere I know that @winged used a 149 ton version for his video, but such a capacity would be disappointing for me. Not quite sure what I will do now, I am thinking of building a dual HG-3 vac version..........
  6. No, I was talking about the 1990's. 70's: Moon 80's: Venus 90's: Mars
  7. I realized that a crewed Constellation Mars Mission will not be possible until the end of the 90's. Neither the "Bimodal NTR" engines nor the "RSRMV" boosters are available to me , and I also need the RS-68A & B configs and better habitat modules for the crew. It would take more than 8 years to research all this stuff. Not sure what I will do now....but I am working on a launch vehicle based on SpaceX ITS rocket. This might be a solution.
  8. Today I sent two crafts to Mars: 1. Mars Return Vessel (MRV), which will enter into low Mars orbit and return the camera box back to Earth. This Mission will help me to measure how much deltaV a crewed Mission would require. 2. Mars Lander 05: This is a reworked version of my Mars lander probes, it is equipped with new parachutes and more science instruments.
  9. I remember 1900 from my crewed Eve Mission with apollo style Gilly Landing
  10. Today I performed my very first Uranus flyby in RP0 Titania, Umbriel, Oberon etc.....:
  11. @X Sonic Pro X will like this ^^ Some great shots of my Saturn Explorers
  12. To be honest, nothing went wrong. This was just an abort test. I wanted to check..... -If the abort action group works correctly -How fast I can leave the pad in case of an emergency -If the acceleration is not too dangerous -If I can deploy chutes in time (before I hit the ground again) -How high and in which direction the Launch Escape System throws me
  13. The Callisto Lander entered Jupiters SOI and performed a capture burn (I am afraid that it wont be able to land there --> RIP 7.5 million) Also, after its 12 years trip to Uranus, the Voyager 3 probe finally arrived:
  14. Indeed, the SOI is tiny. The second last picture was taken before SOI switch. I am glad you like it , and of course I will document the mission progress.
  15. Saturn Explorer 01 and 02 arrived!! They will perform several fly-bys of Saturns moons. Capture burn: (1100m/s deltaV) This is so awesome: Enceladus was the first moon I visited: Can you see it already? Still tiny: Here we go! PE: 75km max. Velocity: 13,900 m/s
  16. [My thoughts from Yesterday]: "SpaceX' ITS rocket was actually a pretty good lifter, before they cancelled it..... If I could build it for my RP0 playthrough, I would have a 450 tons to LEO rocket.....but I if could transform the Interplanetary spaceship into an usual upper stage, I would have something even better........" *Two hours later* Here we go!! 9500 tons , 12m in diameter, 43 engines and 150m tall. FPS: 5 This is the first stage engine cluster. Stage sep, second stage ignition. The new upper stage features the same engines as the original spaceship (6x VAC // 3x SL) and the same mass. The upper stage engine cluster. The 460 ton payload dummy was delivered into orbit without any problems. At engine cut-off, I had 700 m/s deltaV left, so the second testflight will launch with a 500 ton payload ^^.
  17. [From yesterday] I did some testing with nuclear engines and transfer stages for upcoming crewed Mars Missions. Static fire test on the launch pad: Then I tested the TWR, the acceleration and the fuel boil-off in space: The configuration you see here is 9m in diameter and could push a 72 ton payload to Mars. I was inspired by NASA's "Mars Transfer Vehicle" and @winged's incredible video.
  18. I would not be able to live without my Realism Overhaul.
  19. Today I launched the Magellan Probe to Venus: Launch on Titan 4A, because I dont have a Reusable Shuttle System yet. Transfer to Venus. Second stage finishes the burn. Probe separation. Then I realized that I had forgotten the solid motor, which should be attached to the bottom of the probe. A capture burn wont be possible
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