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Everything posted by Jognt

  1. @Galileo Just checked performance on my install, playable just fine while I flew around KSC. I'm still getting a constant spam of "[Kopernicus] Remove 16 colliders" while out there with Scatters enabled (5700 entries for a ~2 minute flight). Since it's a Kopernicus error I'm not sure whether it's useful to you guys, but since you're asking about performance.. I thougth I'd mention it. Another thing I'd like to run by you: On initial setup the Graphics>quality slider would have "JNSQ_Low" etc in it, that has now reverted back to "low, medium, high, high, high" for me, with the last 2 'high' settings throwing an outOfBoundsException. Is this expected behavior? (I recall you answering this earlier in the thread, so I'm just doublechecking) Link to log if needed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9j70ghzkd94z0a/JNSQoutput_log.zip?dl=0 With regards to the nullrefs from CorrectCoL, that was due to me doing some experimenting with wings and nodes. It should be unrelated.
  2. I'd pop that question in the Textures Unlimited thread. There's more people in that thread that might be able to help with that mod than in this one. (since y'know.. this thread contains mostly users of this mod) Coincidentally, feel free to mention my name (@Jognt) if you find how to remove the darkened VAB icons as it's one of the reasons I went back to stock. This here is precisely why I stick to creating stuff for me and a few friends. It's annoying to go from "work on it when I feel like it" to "work on it because others would like me to". Having said that, I do feel like you're venting a bigger part of your frustration towards this person than he is responsible for. And having said that, I totally get the feeling . You've already done (and shared!) a ridiculous amount of stuff for KSP. Thank you for that. Those CFGs look pretty 'done' to me. I'm assuming they only depend on KSPWheel itself so I think I'll do some A/B testing with them soon-ish. Since you mention their balance, are there factors you'd recommend me to look out for?
  3. I can imagine being the only one to experience this, but I do get a chuckle out of people mentioning the drag/node thing. It's such an ingrained 'knowledge' in the KSP playerbase by now, even if it hasn't been true for a while now.
  4. Im still in the “need more parts” phase of my career so I can’t say anything about other planets. I’m assuming you’re talking about scatter performance? If so, I’ll turn them back on and check, last time I got loads of messages in my log about “removing x colliders” with the frame drop one would expect from logspam. So I turned scatter off.
  5. I second this request. I've been trying to deduce the logic from the observed behavior, except there doesn't seem to be much logic to STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW at least..
  6. If you select to install AVP it should prompt you to pick a texture size. You only need one of the three. With regards to the sun flare, I’m guessing that guy likes to clog up people’s screen real estate. Super annoying. (The mess in ckan, not the flares themselves)
  7. I would dare, but from the earlier description by @Thomas P. I can guess what’ll happen. Its like having a Christmas tree (your game world, planets) with lots of decoration (your crafts). Then imagine your cat taking the tree apart and putting it back together in a weird quantum state. nothing’s going to be where it should and you end up having to buy a new tree and decorate it anew.
  8. And so a new EVE setup is born.. I'm very interested in how far you get and what your results look like!
  9. The waypoints are hidden safely in Kerbin's North Pole Far Side Crater biome. You'll have to be Splashed Down and Flying to find them though. Don't take this seriously. It's late.
  10. Try holding ALT when you click. Or click the icon while in the VAB/SPH.
  11. Wait.. is THAT why I kept getting an Index out of bounds exception when I opened the settings menu? I didn’t realize the CFG also needed to be deleted on initial install. (I also did not see tags like JNSQ_low/med/high)
  12. I was hoping it was the type of tedious thing I understood, unfortunately I don’t
  13. I can confirm Dx11 also caused slight 'graininess' to textures on my install. I went back to Dx9 and I'll just live with my pagefile getting thrashed
  14. Without answering your question; the images you linked can’t be accessed. I’d upload them to something like imgur. Having said that: this mod should work fine in 1.7.2 if you remove kopernicus since that mod is currently incompatible with 1.7.2. You would only be missing ground textures from what I’ve gathered. *mentioned for relevance* edit: check out page 40 of this thread for more information regarding compatibility with KSP updates.
  15. Since it does seem strange to me that this is a thing when the rest of this mod is so superbly polished: @themaster401 Can you confirm the behavior as posted by EasyAce here is as intended?
  16. What would need to be done exactly? I mean, besides the fact that I'm unsure of what would need to be done to textures for each shader type, you also have a lot of different shaders. Is it like "every texture needs to be treated in [this] way and if that is done TU can play around with whatever it wants"? In other words: What's the minimum viable product?
  17. Part of my point was that even those guys mean 'believable' as anything that they do not think is possible is still rejected even though it can be 100% based in solid science. If they're then explained why it is realistic they will probably adjust their beliefs and embrace it, but still their opinion is based upon what they believe at the moment itself is realistic. Though I admit that this goes into "what is a word?" territory where an autistic literal definition of a word like "realistic" may be confused with the use of the word in common speech. Example: When I first saw RealPlume's vacuum plumes my first thought was "Huh? That's not very realistic.." - Until I saw actual (SpaceX) footage and realized "Huh.. well this is real so it must be realistic.." at which point those plumes were suddenly awesome to me. It's true for anyone and everyone, that's the beauty of it. very true
  18. Actually, both. That's why Kopernicus shows that message; because it hasn't been properly vetted to confirm that the slight patch upgrade (.1 -> .2) won't summon a Kraken that will eat your save because the solar system disappeared. Edit: For saves where Kopernicus is only used to change the texture of a planet I think you can just remove Kopernicus and play with the default textures. Since I don't understand its inner workings I'd err on the safe side and at the very least backup my save.
  19. I spend much more time in Notepad++ and on these forums than I do actually playing KSP so honestly I can't tell you. I remember reading about this also happening in vanilla Dx9 though so you could always check that. Until then I'd say "Don't zoom out beyond that certain distance?" I am so remembering that one for scrabble..
  20. Well, if you want to find out exactly why that warning message is there you're free to ignore it. I'll warn you ahead of time though: That message is definitely there for a reason. Edit: My apology for my sarcastic tone above I'm just a smartass. I realize the message looks a lot like the many many other "incompatible version, please use 1.x.x" messages we get from mods that work fine, but this message is legit. Note the specific warning to not open your saved game, which implies consequences for that if you were to do so.
  21. Same. I'm enjoying JNSQ and while I am well on my way to being a marinated player that is fascinated by rocketry and physics, I am also a User Experience designer that knows that pure realism != a good experience (try removing time warp). I don't get a boner from properly named fuels, I get a boner from a nice challenge, a nice view, or just funny little things like kerbals repeatedly planting their face into the ground. That bit you quoted from the OP comes across as elitist but that's probably just the designer's trying to say "look, this ain't easy mode". Considering Minmus's current orbit it's clear to me that artistic freedom and gameplay is still very much alive and important to these guys besides literal 'realism' . Note: Nobody ever uses the word "realism" to mean actual "realism". What they mean is "believable". A round planet would have been is unrealistic(=unbelievable) to some people, and a very realistic sunflare would seem unrealistic(=unbelievable) to others. Nothing is based on objective reality, it's all based on subjective reality: That which fits current beliefs. Just my 2 cents from what I've learned over time with regards to people wanting something to be 'realistic'.
  22. Cheers. Gimbal indeed felt a bit too luxurious for the small fries
  23. Same here. Initially I thought it was a problem with my install, but it appears to normal so I try and not look in that direction of KSC (because it does look gorgeous from space)
  24. @OhioBob Just a heads-up: ReStock adds gimbals to most (all?) SRBs like the Flea but it hands the SRBs off to BetterSRBs if it detects it. I noticed that this causes the Flea to not have a Gimbal with BetterSRBs installed. Is that a "whoops" or a "feature, not a bug"?
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