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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. It doesnt matter if you are on sandbox or carrer but the launch sites are unlocked.
  2. Becasue Why not WAITER!!!!!!!!!!!.This food is to expensive!
  3. Granted.your electricity bill is now infinite I wish for KSP to run better
  4. Granted but the button makes every vehicle in the planet explode causing the earth to explode I wish he doesn't press the button
  5. Banned becasue of lying. I spended 10 billion dolars so.....Banned for being wrong
  6. theres one that will reléase on EA son... https://store.steampowered.com/app/771800/Deadstick__Bush_Flight_Simulator/ It looks good but its only going to be Bush flying and on a limited map
  7. You get from exploring and maybe some perks.Maybe if you find an anomaly you get a small bonus or the max number of science points you can get in one day is increased
  8. Im done XD
  9. Granted.......HOPE YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE HOUSE! I wish the earth doesnt break after the asteroid crashes in his house....
  10. The problema i see with science is that it doesnt make sense..(Thanks to this rock from the mountains we can make a nukclear engine!)It does not make sense.Maybe for a new player its easier to learn but for a more experienced player.....Its just boring.. I think scince should be earnd by funds and time.....For example:1000 funds=2/dayI think that makes more sense...
  11. I began at 1.2.2.....I tried making a space shuttle...... The cementery filled up fast.........
  12. Banned for using complicated worlds
  13. I still hate mech Jeb for destroying my space station solar panels
  14. Banned everybody that places the world kraken in a comment Oh wait....
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