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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. It's a picture. It looks like a reaction well sourunded by the mach effects.
  2. If its happening with other games on steam it might be a steam issiue. Try veryfing file integrety
  3. Banned for not banning anybody exept your self
  4. wow.Amazing mission! Edit:How much Eeloos are on that solar sisitem?!
  5. CHAPTER 15 THE END OF THE FOUNDER STAGE. Winter owl employee Asly:I told you there were up to no good. Winter owl employee Derner:First they kidnap one of our crew member.......Then they come to spy at us....... Winter Owl employee Asly:They are lucky our colony isnt well develop yet......But i swear to Pika......Once we are...... Winter Owl employee Derner:There can only be one faction colonizing duna.And that faction is Winter Owl. Meanwhile at the Kaether Colony.... Ryley:What a nice day!.No sandstorms.No dust devils.No Winter owl rovers landing!........Say Bobpont?When will the first rocket be fuelled up? Bobpont:It can be launched today but wich rocket needs to get refuelled first? Ryley:Let me ask the KSC....*Goes back to the dome* Gilre:Hey Derbin? Derbin:Yes? Gilre:Did something happend to the Armadillo?. Derbin:Why are you asking that? Gilre:The rover is parked in a difrent way tan yesterday.And i cleaned it aswell and today is all dusty again. Derbin:Meh.There must have been a sandstorm durin nightime.You know that the domes are perfect at evoiding sounds to get inside. Gilre:True...But the domes or building dont show signs of a dust storm.... Ryley:Hey Gilre!.I think drone 2 has a pop up tire!.Can you check it? Gilre:Yes.Im on it!. Derbin:Uff i own you one Ryley..... Ryley:nah.Dont worry.....By the way How is the research going? Derbin:Its coming along nicely.......We might have bigger domes soon...And windturbines........ Ryley:And that rock? Derbin:Still nothing.......We really need to send a research team there.....The rock thought....Its emiting a small radio frequency.......But i cant identify it....I tried decoding it on every lenguage that ever existed.....I even tried Skanish but backworks..... Ryley:Weird.....Did you saw more rovers landing.... Derbin:Nope.Neither dropships. Ryley:I really hope they never notice we were there......... Meanwhile at Kerbin......... K.U.S.S.Dalhen captain:Yes we have the plane in sight.Good thing they had flares. Nefal:Yes!.They are coming.They saw our flare!. Melke: ....... Nefal:Is there a problem....Are you injured?...... Melkes eyes where glowing a Blue-ish color... Nefal:Melke!.Is there something wrong!.What is happening!. Melke:Cn YU HAR M- Melke`s eyes returned to normal. Melke:What happend? Nefal:I dont now........ Meanwhile at the KSC.... Kelon:So as you may know,I have recently been on a metting with Rogenberry.Chief of the Beyond Kerbin corporation.We came to a conclusión that both of our companies whant the same thing.To colonize Duna and the rest of the Kerbol Sistem.So we decided that both of our companies will be working together for the DCP.That means that we will have more funding,more aplicants ,more research power.And finaly moar boosters rockets! Linus:By the way Kelon I have great news.The colony is about to launch the Cargo rocket back to Kerbin.Meaning that the founder stage will come to an end.After the rocket launches.We will have suscesfully proben to all of Kerbin that we can build up the future of Kerbal kind at Duna.....We will start launching one more rocket filled with new colonist tommorrow if all goes to plan. Kelon:Excelent.By the way linus Linus:Yes? Kelon:I Heard you launched a Zafire one..... Linus:Yes.It apears that the tracking station found a weird signal at LKO.Thats why we sended a Zafire 1 up there.The problem is that we didnt hear from it since it started to aproach the object. Kelon:Ok....I hope they are Ok. Sidney Kerman:*Comes to the room*Kelon It apears that the Zafire 1 was found landed at sea.The crew has already been sent to the hospital but they say they are not injured. Kelon:Ok. MC 1.T-2 minutes till lift off. Ryley:Everybody is inside the domes right?. Derbin:Yes. Ryley:Ok KSC everything is ready for lift off. MC 1:Ok.....Lift off in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4, MC 2:Engines are fiering... MC 1:3,2,1, Ryley:Lift off!We have a lift off!.First rocket launched from Duna is a sucsess! MC 1:Orbit achived.Starting the burn for Kerbin. Ryley:We did!.The Founder stage is over!. ????:Kerbal Space craft found...........Engaging scanning procedure...............Scanning complete............ ???:Looks like very native technology.Isnt it?&%$$·%& ???:Yes.But that doesnt mean that we are not going to send Ketratron over there...... TO BE CONTINUED...............
  6. Floor 4974:a transport drone transports you to floor 4975
  7. Is there a mod that adds domes to the game that are compatible with tweak scale?
  8. Search Danny2456 in YouTube.He is a professional kerbal killer
  9. CHAPTER 14 Suspicions Rodrigh Kerman:Ryley? Ryley:What? Rodright:Is about the Winter owl crafts... Ryley.What?Are they aproaching the colony? Rodright:No.Is that.This morning....I saw like 7 of them landing. Mirmore:Me two! Derbin:And me. Rodright:I Kinda fell in danger by those rovers.They have a suspicius design..... Ryley:Look i know that these Rovers may be an issiue.But Duna is not ours.It doesnt have an owner.Winter owl have as much right as landing here as we do.Aproaching the colony is a whole other issiue. Mirmore:Ok..... Derbin:RYLEY!I have something important to talk with you!.Can you come to the lab? Ryley:Yeah... Derbin:Look at this Surface simple the RC explorer got from that Stone hedge. Ryley:Ok...Whats the issiue with this? Derbin:Do you remember that rover that was sent to vall a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago? Ryley.Yeah... Derbin:Well it got Surface samples from the Surface of vall.And this rock.Is the exact same rock that could be found at vall.What ever made that structure.Was capable of interplanetary flight.And transporting large amounts of cargo betwen these planets.I think we should send a long term exploration misión to that área. Ryley:But we dont have enought colonist for that......We are only 12..... Derbin:We could do it once more kerbals come right? Ryley:Yeah. Derbin:Sooooo what are the plans for today? Ryley:We need o build the fuel refinery.And up our wáter production.If we can do this.We will be ready for more colonist. Derbin:Do we start building? Ryley:Yeah..... 4 hours later........ Ryley:You gotta love those drones.....They builded everything we had to build in 4 hours!. Derbin:Yeah. Ryley:hey derbin? Derbin:Yes? Ryley:Do you remember where these rovers were landing at? Derbin:Yes...... Ryley:Meet me at the Armadillo at night time.We are going to see what Winter owl is up to. Derbin:But they said not to apro- Ryley:I dont care.And dont worry.They wont notice.We will have a look from far away. Derbin:I think this is risky.... Ryley:Dont worry!. Some hours later........ Ryley.Nice you came. Derbin:this must have been the craizest thing i have ever done..... Ryley:It will be fine....Did i ever told you on how i killed i sea dragon with a survival knife? Derbin:I prefer not knowing about that.... Ryley:Ok lets go to the rover.....Ok so i already found a small energy signature 20 Km from here.That must be the rovers.We will stop 500m from there to evoid detection Ryley.Ok here we are.Evoid doing to slightest noice..... Derbin:Ok.......What the kraken...... Derbin.What is that thing?! Ryley.I dont know.Pass me the magnifiers.... Derbin:Here. Ryley:OMK....Nah that cant be what i think it is.......Right? Derbin:What! Ryley:Here...Look throught here. Derbin:Are those.........KERBALS! Ryley:Yes. Derbin:HOW MANY ARE THERE! Ryley.I think more tan 13......And thats the máximum during the founder stage... Derbin:This doesnt make sense....We only saw rovers.No drop ships with kerbals. Ryley:Now that you say that.............Wait what if.......No imposible.....But it could be..... Derbin:What?!. Ryley.What if they came in a replica of the Kauroras life pods on pourpose.......They thought if we saw those life pods we will discover their operations on this planet.So they made these replicas to confuse us.......One of them must have mulfuntioned.That one is where "Bob" was at. Derbin:If thats true that means that.... Ryley:Bob is an impostor. Derbin.But the PDA scan said he was bob.And he has the same voice! Ryley:I know.But for now lets head to the rover. Ryley:Derbin. Derbin:Y-Yes? Ryley:Not a single world about this. Derbin:Yes but what about the impostor. Ryley:Dont let him near anything inportant and dont let him near the labs.If he really is a Winter owl employee he will be very interested on our research.Aswell he could try ruinning the mission so dont let him near anything essential to our colony. Derbin:And we send him home as son as the rocket is fuelled up right? Ryley:No.Theres a fair chance that he can come back. Derbin:So what do we do kill him? Ryley:No.We are not even sure if we are right. Derbin:And how are we going to know if we are right? Ryley:I dont know.We will need to observe him.If he tries leaving the colony or sabotoging anything.We will know that we are right. Derbin:And how do we know that we are wrong? Ryley:When he recovers his memory I will ask him core stuff about the kaurora.Stuff that only member of the Kaurora knows. Derbin:I just hope we are wrong..... TO BE CONTINUED.............. Edit:WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO page 2!
  10. floor 4962:Theres a super nova that blast you to the last floor but for some odd reason.when you arrived you where teleported to floor 4923
  11. Banned for not changing your profile pic
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