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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. Heres and ester egg in gaia (not gonna say were it is)
  2. no idea on the first question but its was folowing me,I was just doking and i looked on the surferce and found that
  3. oopsyou can do a test manuver node to see how much dv you need.i done it going to niebos and its moon
  4. I have 4 ksp copys:one is the stock,the other is rss,the other gameslinx planet pack,and the other is for gpp
  5. Heres the image TO PROVE THAT I SAW THE ESTER EGG Ok cant wait
  6. i got a page at imgur but i dont know how to put them in the forums
  7. I have a little problem with Gaia.For some reasone texture replacer is saying that theres NO breatheble ATMOSFERE
  8. Yes and Yes.the problem is that the game needs a lot of time to load but at the main menu it totaly frezz.I dont have idea how scoot have a lot of mods in the galileo series
  9. I dont know why but i cant find this mod on ckan
  10. But i landed in ground not in lava And isnt another way to upload images?
  11. Sorry but i cant use imgur. And a thing of gameplay.I was landing a rover at gols crater And IT EXPLODED!
  12. IM on the north pole of gaia and i found some kind of mointain.its very cool but im sure thats not the ester egg Right?
  13. Im looking it in all the filters.I have the bases mod installed
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