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KerBlitz Kerman

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Everything posted by KerBlitz Kerman

  1. Waiter, there is a fence by [just got] Trump [ed]
  2. Floor 3075: You are pushed off a cliff into 3076
  3. Ah, my usual issue. Finding issues where none exist and trying to fix them. @richfiles I wish you luck! P.S. everybody says that I do that in RL!
  4. They talk about some dude stuck in a wreck in ice for 70 years, and show embarrassing life scenes plus Combqt scenes. Also: it's a Marvel that they didn't have less more ticket sales
  5. NEW IDEA: if you can solder to the magnets, you could use those as ground and hot, whiling leaving four magsafe pins for data. Like I said. If
  6. I'll sell you a second with two batteries. Do you want it? Also- If I had to choose between the two, Samsung for the win.
  7. If practice makes perfect, but if it is impossible to be perfect...
  8. Why does nobody (besides eBay) sell Nixie power supplies? [Ranting rage about power supplies: redacted] Why???!!!!!
  9. Maybe use 2 pins as ground and hot, with one of the magsafe connectors connected to ground only when the pin is connected as a detection system. Using the other two as a i2c expander would in the end, probably be best. Or could you set it up where if a numpad key is pressed and inputted to the teensy, it exports the keypress to a mac/ win 10 device Also:buy another magsafe, and remove the magnet, cut it into cylinders to replace the others.
  10. Or, ask for a sample of this-http://www.yokowoconnector.com/news/dec2017/
  11. 14 pin connector- https://www.uweelectronic.de/en/products/battery-probe-uebk-12666.html magnetic ten pin https://www.uweelectronic.de/en/products/battery-probe-uebk-12774-uebk-12775.html
  12. @richfiles 010110110100100101100100011001010110000100100000010010010110111001100011011011110110110101101001011011100110011101011101 USB C connector, with using extra 2 pins as a switch to tell if something is connected to it. 0101101101001001011001000110010101100001001000000101001101100101011011100111010001011101
  13. So why would It need to be hot swappable? If a switch is disconnected, isn't it the same as it not being depressed? And put the indicator lights in the main assembly right?
  14. @richfiles , an Idea for that EL backlighting... Lay out all of your swiches in a single, uniform row then tape this behind. Adafruit also sells inverters and splitters so you could probably get a few off one inverter
  15. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Attitude-Gyro/162986382208?hash=item25f2bed380:g:R2EAAOSwB1JayOr8&vxp=mtr Looks to be 3 axis AI (Attitude Indicator) for under a hundred USD!
  16. Apoapsis, periapsis, speed (rotary switch for rel. Target, Orb, Sur,), radio/sea level altitude (dual mode).
  17. Does anyone know what to use for 6 to 170 volts if I want to drive a nixie in12 of a 74HC595?
  18. Then his you would have wasted a corruption.... I wish I had money to burn (lots)
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