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  1. Thanks Spicat. In this case since it was such light gravity, I just rolled it over on reaction wheel power. I was asking about file fixes for higher gravity situations. I'll go with the cheat menu if it happens on a heavier planet.
  2. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 11 23H2 | CPU: i9-13900KF | GPU: RTX 3080 Ti | RAM: 32.0 GB So I kept an eye on as I drove away, it never bounced or broke up as is common, but when I got back.... Is there somewhere in the file I can fix this? Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  3. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 11 23H2 | CPU: i9-13900KF | GPU: RTX 3080 Ti | RAM: 32.0 GB Here's a short video showing a splashdown animation and switch to Landed status. This one was 400 meters, happened at varying altitudes on subsequent tests, but couldn't pinpoint a reason. Included Attachments: Tylolander.json Airsplashlaythelandedstatus.mp4
  4. Ya think NASA etc. doesn't plan maneuver nodes in future SOI's? Doubt if they say "ok, we'll come into Ceres at 50k and then figure it out when we get there...." (said by others in different wordings, this is just what's in my head)
  5. Couldn't find this topic anywhere else, if I missed it, please link me to it. EVA on planet surface can be problematic when the vehicle I'm leaving decides to turn it's brakes off as soon as I enter or leave. (Obviously a bigger problem leaving, since I can't react as quickly.) Is there a reason for this? Nothing worse than having something on a slope with wheeled landing gear start rolling away, or over my Kerbal the second I drop my rover, or EVA.
  6. Here's what I got. The "Generating power" portion really does include the dark side. Btw, also got a ship buried underground bug a few times when using a craft on the ground. Made a quick entry in that thread.
  7. I just had one large ship that wouldn't get past the usual "Hit Launch button, fall apart on pad, Revert to launch" sequence, so I tried 'em. That's what led to the original post. My stuff is designed symmetrically but maybe it hangs off the edge just enough, I dunno. Until this particular payload, which is still nowhere near it's max, I could always do a revert and get stable on the pad. Maybe it's just parts count. As a holdover from KSP1, (where it cost game money) all my launchers achieve orbit before releasing payload, then deorbit and splash down. The payload is also going to be recoverable upon return, so between these two ships I've got, 653 parts, 357 of which are chutes. Not using struts, had enough trouble with them already, back in the wobbly rocket versions. Regardless, having to manually destroy launch clamps after a takeoff, no matter how you feel about them, seems silly, and like an easy fix.
  8. Only found one old thread that was never answered bringing this up. Seems wrong.
  9. Yep that was it. Sorry this turned into more of a blog than a bug report, but if you have anyone else with a 13900k/f point them to this. Since Win 22H2 came out it's been a giant problem for a lot of the chip owners. Fix is simple too, once you know about it. Set all your cores to the same (in my case 54, some folks can do 55) Bios or Intel XTU will do it. Now I'm running like I was before I got Microshotted. https://www.reddit.com/r/intel/comments/159eh1u/is_there_a_fix_for_the_13900k_crashing_with_intel/
  10. After hours of rabbit hole troubleshooting.... Bad Windows install. Didn't have that in the list because I had re-installed Windows far enough prior to the problem that I didn't suspect it when I started this post. All the usual checks for Windows as the problem (sfc, dism, startup repair, etc.) said it was fine, but there were enough anomalies I bit the bullet and did a full reset install. Voila. For about 8hrs, then it started all over again. KSP2 is still stable , but it's about the only one, (several other games are bombing now lol) and I still had to have the memory clocked down... BUT...I just found a series of threads where a high percentage of 13900KF owners have been having random, then increasing problems since 22h2 came out... So I'll track that. My Bad Windows install still holds but now it's more like Bad Windows engineering maybe.
  11. I surrender. If no one else is having trouble with this then it's just my setup, I guess. Have tested both sticks with Memtest86 and the built-in tester, no errors. Have no trouble with any other program. Must just be building my ships too big for now. Even zeroed the CMOS to make sure I didn't have some odd setting out of place in BIOS. Tried a LOT of different freqs, the only difference is how long it takes to crap out. Have a .json from a CTD while I was running at 2400, but don't see how to leave it here. I'm just going back to my original setup, and hope that eventually the optimizations for the game solve it for me. When playing gets too frustrating I'll just switch to something else.
  12. Bottom line up Front: Turned out it was memory. Good call. Extra details just cuz it's you: Even though the RAM passed all the tests, and in spite of the fact that KSP2 was the only program I was having trouble with, I pulled out my older, much slower sticks (2400 default/safe, 5200 XMP) and put them in. Ran fine at 2400. Put the original sticks back in, they still had trouble at the setting the BIOS gave them, (4800 default/safe, 6800 on XMP) so I set them up manually at the max setting my chip would take, 5600. (The BIOS and the motherboard will take them to their max rating, but my I9-13900KF data sheet shows a lower max.) Ran several hours in, no problems, then started glitching again. Still playin'. One other problem, Windows is refusing to reactivate, in spite of the fact that both configs have been previously activated, including after a complete re-install of the OS. The troubleshooter lists the old names, but won't give it up. I also flashed the BIOS during all this, up one step from .ado to .afo, Anyway thanks Anth, I probably wouldn't have gone the extra steps without your nudge.
  13. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 11 22H2 | CPU: i9-13900KF | GPU: RTX 3080 Ti | RAM: 32.0 GB Occasional to frequent crashes to desktop (CTD) leave partial and unusable files behind. I've become afraid to use F5. Sometimes I'll go 20-50 minutes between crashes, sometimes it's 10 crashes in a row. Things I've done: 1. Verified Steam files. 2. Copied save files out, deleted Intercept Games folder in AppData, put game files back in. 3. Reinstalled without deleting files and directories left behind by the uninstall. 4. Reinstalled, deleting files and directories left behind by the uninstall prior to reinstall. 5. Started a new campaign with absolutely NO clipping. 6. Monitored my GPU and CPU to verify that heating or load were not the problem. 7. Cleaned the cooling system on both anyway, just to be sure. Now I keep a Windows Explorer panel open and every time I CTD I have to check to see if: 1. The latest save's .json file is considerably smaller than the previous one. 2. The latest save failed to create a .meta file. If the above are true, I delete them and reload the prior save, which sometimes sets me back quite a bit, forcing me to redo a maneuver, landing or takeoff. I've attached two consecutive saves, one good, then the files left by a CTD. This was an aircraft flying straight line. Included Attachments: Good_and.bad.zip
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