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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Why bother with that many Alphabets ?
  2. Gets a job in the mentioned Company Inserts Muzan Kibutsuji
  3. Callimgv 911 because Triop didn't say "Calling 911"
  4. A big boii Nation...where Comm-unity-ism Ideology concept grows and rises, it's also inhabitted by Crazy strong people who can do Handless Push ups and more, they also like drinking and more...(Sorry) JacobJHC
  5. Unfortunately, it's [Z A M O O N]...an enemy stand... Fortunately, It's not Caps Lock day.
  6. Hee hee Muzan Kibutsuji Kerbol Breathing
  7. Lets see...Tekcate, Anziephus, Trans Keptunians, Salus and Kronos Expansion (My mod I'm currently developing), that makes 5...
  8. 69 (+) In my case...its my Extended Grand Tour...now it has 32 Landings, i also went to a Sungrazer comparably hard to Ernus, speaking SSTOs, i made one that went to Minmus long ago, but was unable to get it back to Kerbin...to the Runway precisely...
  9. 65 (+) Can you guys tell me what's your proudest achievement in KSP ?
  10. Actually...i kinda forgot that i did the same on my first Jool 5...where i have to keep the NERVA stage...very thin on TWR...i must save as much Delta V as possible without Re-entrying too steeply or Simone, Jeb and Val won't make it through, things went far smoother in Sheepollo (Joolollo), it was capable to gain a considerable amount of Science despite being bound with Kerpollo rules.
  11. 32 Landings target Achieved ! Now to get all the landings all the way to 40, then they can finally return.
  12. Nice...that new rule (about separating pods) was actually made by an event that occurred on me, my Munpollo brought 5 Pods for 5 Kerbals, each separates during Re-entry and lands on the same Biome (Water), i went to quite a lot of places, including a Sungrazer...
  13. Banned because I've been banned multiple times here...
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