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Everything posted by sacredbacon

  1. Ah, my bad, I am running 1.8.1 and pretty sure everything is up to date, When I moved to 1.8.1 from 1.7.3 I did a complete reinstall and did not have these issues until. I am one windows 64bit running 64bit ksp through steam. I looked at one log and saw that I couldn't load my vessel from the tracking station because opengl couldn't load textures, so that's one thing down. The log provided is me trying to load a different craft from the SPH to runway. The game froze and did not load. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0psd7da6dn55wvx/Player-prev.log?dl=0
  2. My scene change load times have began to drag on ever since I updated to 1.8.1, along with kopernicus. At first it was bearable, maybe 1-2 minutes for 200 parts. Now It wont even load crafts greater that 200 parts to the runway or launchpad. FPS is not an issue I can get it loaded, maybe 15-30 fps for a craft that size. Is it possible that the craft is corrupted instead? Below is my mod list. https://imgur.com/oqAHTqW https://imgur.com/a/sEV74j9
  3. Looks great, but I have an issue where the star's orbits/trajectories are not showing in the tracking station or in-flight. I am using this in conjunction with Beyond Home, but theoretically this shouldn't be an issue. It might be Kopernicus? Any ideas to solve this? I am on 1.7.3 and this issue is only with the stars, as well as the star from Beyond Home. Planet orbits are fine. Thanks! EDIT: Curious... I found in the "_TWB_Core"> "Configs the CFG "StarOrbitRemover". Deleting this config, of course, fixed the issue.
  4. Mine is not longer showing up after installing interstellar and mechjeb, any ideas?
  5. Ohhhh nooo. Thank you so much, that was the problem haha.
  6. I don't have an option to research science data in a mobile lab after landing the first time. Before that, I sent a probe there and did an orbital scan and sent back science, but that's it. Is this normal?
  7. I am having an issue where one of the HUD's text is larger and blurry when compared to the other. Any idea as to what might be causing this?
  8. I don't exactly know what fixed this, but as you recommended I am using scatterer 0.0540, and it's working now. Although I tied it on a clean install, and it worked, but then I realized I didn't put the module manager stuff back into gamedata. This seemed to break the scatter portion, and as I installed mods it still didn't work. So I then noticed a dll called "scatter.dll" in the gamedata folder. Tried deleting it and now everything is working. I'm not 100% certain but I think I've narrowed it down to "scatterer.dll" causing scatterer not to work. Not sure why though. Thanks for the help!
  9. Looks awesome and I'm really excited to play this, but I can not get scatterer or the skybox to work for the life of me. This is on 1.7.3 and everything else seems to work fine. Does the newest release work with 1.8?
  10. It looks like my issue has been solved. I was having problems with OPT (1.2.2) and the USI mods. Not sure why the USI mods were a problem, maybe it had to do with Firespitter?
  11. Ok I'll give it a shot and install them one by one. I have kopernicus because I planned to install some planet packs and visual effect mods after I've solved this issue. Earlier I tried cutting down the amount of mods I had because I thought it was a memory issue, that's why USITools is still there
  12. Unfortunately, I'm still having the same issue. I've updated USI Tools and The Community resource pack and still no luck. Is it possible this is a memory issue?
  13. This is a modded install. I've noticed that it always happens once it starts applying module manager patches. This does not happen on a clean install and I've tried a clean install with the same mods and it still crashes. I've checked multiple times and I'm certain all my mods are 1.3. Error.log output_log.txt I currently have the following mods installed: Chatterer CryoEngines DMagicScience KAS Kerbal Atomics Kerbal Foundries Kopernicus Near Future Construction, electrical, propulsion, solar, and spacecraft PlanetarBaseInc Real Chute StationPartExpansion TarsierSpaceTech TweakScale UniversalStorage Any imput would be greatly appreciate
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