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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. You can't get more super at kolonization than Eve, since it's nearly impossible to get back. I thought Sarnus was a gas giant? Never liked Moho, but could be interesting if it involves kerbals going insane at the moholes. I'm not familiar with any of the others. I like Dres.
  2. It is. This is a big red button.
  3. I stand corrected. It's "Little red button"
  4. We are definitely not thinking of the same movie
  5. 3D printed warrior learns love to save the world.
  6. It's intended, but looking at the cfg files, someone who knows what they're doing could likely add more with some MM patches.
  7. Make sure to select Kerbol Your number of satellites Orbital Altitude is 13599840256 if you want it in Kerbin's orbit. (I recommend adjusting this... unless you want to use Kerbin itself as the 5th satellite, which would be best if you have the extra groundstations enabled) Select Dive Orbit.
  8. Do you have a desktop or a laptop? Providing there's space, actually installed more memory on a desktop is generally pretty straightforward - you can't really mess it up unless you use a hammer. Making sure you buy the right stuff is trickier than installing. But if you're thinking you need a pro to install it, then you will definitely want to grab a computer savvy buddy to buy it. Upgrading memory in a laptop can be nearly as easy as a desktop, depending on how much the manufacturer decided they hate their customers. Yeahh... I'd install another 8 GB if you can. Between that process and all the operating system's stuff, you still might end up paging. I went up to 32GB just because I really don't like paging.
  9. Probably. I finally saw the captcha when updating my signature. Edit: No captcha here though.
  10. It's... pretty bad. Nearly made me quit the game. I likely would have if I hadn't found the forum.
  11. Hard to tell from the angle of the picture, but it looks like the nervs are thrusting into the tail fins. That's why they do nothing.
  12. Have you considered that maybe the system is working as intended and that you really are a robot?
  13. Do you have any mods installed? There are quite a few that completely change the game. Life support, part failures, and different solar systems likely being the biggest ones.
  14. Instead of going for maximum travel distance, I focused more on the spirit of the challenge. Really no point to orbiting the planet twice if you just end up landing at the mountains to the west of the KSC if the point is to get away. I also focused on something fairly realistic that Jeb could steal. Lost the engine on landing, because throttle control was a bit tricky. Definitely better than if I'd tried to land normally with no gear. Plane is 8 parts. KER shows 9 because it counts a kerbal in a command seat as a part. Ground Distance: 854,492m Total Distance: 861,299m Only mods installed were KER and TakeCommand.
  15. Ham can definitely be a delicacy. Ham, pickles, cream cheese. Delicious.
  16. Upper right hand corner is a "Report Post" button. Report your own post, and a moderator can merge it into the appropriate thread.
  17. Can you get a picture of the staging? I have a feeling you're doing it backwards.
  18. Arbys' "Meat Mountain" I can only imagine that some manager caught some employees messing around with throwing every meat available on a bun, and instead of getting liquided off, said: "That works, sell it." It's a non-menu item. I only found out about it because the Arby's I was at actually had a separate sign for it. It's probably illegal in Europe.
  19. Have you monitored the memory usage of the process when encoding? You might need some more RAM. Depending on your motherboard and how many sticks you already have, tossing in another 4GB might be pretty cheap.
  20. Because we all weigh like 150 Kilos. Had this for lunch once. That I did regret.
  21. Because airplanes are giant metal deathtrap coffins.
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