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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. This game is brutal. My i7-7700K can sometimes hover 70-80c even with this thing. Contemplating de-lidding, seems to be common with that series of processors.
  2. Adjusting the thrust limiter on the SRBs really helps with those picky contracts. Those contracts are one of the big reasons I don't play career.
  3. The biggest problem (And likely the source of the differing viewpoints) is the comparison of liner movement to rotational movement. So maybe the question would be "Could the plane take off before the wheels explode? Might be more fun to put a helicopter on a merry-go-round spinning at the same speed as the rotor, but opposite direction. I would hope we could all agree that that wouldn't take off, but would be a ton of fun to watch.
  4. Shouldn't matter if it's a sig or not. The (one of the) images in my sig are on cubeupload (so u.cubeupload), as well as almost every upload I have here on the forum... and I have quite a few in the WDYDIKT thread.
  5. Which makes it more odd, since they're the same. When I upload, I go to cubeupload.com. When it gives me the links to my uploaded images, it's u.cubeupload.com/whatever
  6. Not really. The only increase in drag is going to be in the wheel bearings. The wheels will be spinning twice as fast as in a normal takeoff, but that's it. The only way you're going to stop the plane is by melting the bearings to the point a seizing, and the treadmill would have to be going WAY faster than the plane to do that.
  7. You're missing it. The plane is not being held stationary by the treadmill.
  8. But the treadmill will not pull it backwards if it is pulling itself forward. It might have to try an insignificant amount more to overcome the friction from the wheels, but it will take off just fine. Fine, how about this. Put a car on the treadmill. Magically start the car going at a certain speed, and the treadmill at the same speed in the opposite direction. Car stays put, right? Because the car has to push against the treadmill to move forward. Now put the car in neutral, and attach a chain from the front on the car to the back of another car in front of it, which is not on the treadmill. Start the treadmill, and Accelerate the second car up front. By your logic, the car on the treadmill will stay put instead of being pulled off. Right? Nerp. The planes wheels are always in neutral, like the car. The prop is the second car pulling it off the treadmill.
  9. Tie the plane's prop to a tree. Run the treadmill. If you're right, the treadmill would be unable to run because the plane could not move backwards. But the treadmill will work fine, because the wheels will just keep spinning, just keep spinning, spinning, just keep spinning, spinning, spinning...
  10. Yes they would. You're assuming that airplanes use friction between itself and the surface it's on to propel itself forward like cars do. That's just not the case.
  11. Malware bytes has a history of false positives from CubeUpload.com, an image hosting site. From my research after @Gargamel informed me of the problem, it was once mistakenly tagged as unsafe, then whitelisted, then somehow unknowingly got put back on the naughty list during an update. It's probably my fault. I don't know anyone else here who uses it.
  12. Of course it would take off. Wheels mean nothing. It's not a car. If the wheels are so important, why do seaplanes work? Hm?
  13. Hm. Doesn't appear to be. I'm not seeing it in 1.4.2 or 1.4.3. @Urus28, have you tried it stock?
  14. In 1.3.1, yes. Fantastic mod anyway. Actually the first I ever installed. Just make sure you get the correct version. Spacedock isn't up to date, use the Github link and grab the appropriate version.(
  15. Worked fine for me in 1.3.1, but I think the magnetic ability came from a mod. Edit: Yup, it's from Konstruction!
  16. Did you try looking in the dryer? Did it have a command pod or probe core? Any chance it was on a sub-orbital trajectory?
  17. Computer specs? This isn't normal. Either you've got something severely under powered (Such as insanely low RAM and it's paging a lot), or something is seriously wrong with your computer.
  18. In the bottom left corner of the VAB/SPH, are two icons. The one in the red circle controls symmetry. 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x. It also has a mirrored mode for building airplanes. The one in the green circle controls snap. When it's a hexagon, snap is on. I recommend leaving this on unless you specifically need it off for fine positioning. Unfortunately we can't help much here without seeing what you already have. Take some screenshots (F1, and they will be put in your KSPDirectory/game/Screenshots folder.) and post them here (Link in my sig on how to do that.) I have a feeling you're staging backwards. Stages at the bottom go first. Stage 0 will be your launch stage. It is! But hang out here, and it'll get easier. Lots of good tutorials and lots of good people here. You think it's bad now, wait until you start docking.
  19. You can report your own post. Upper right hand corner, there's a Report post button. It'll likely be merged into this thread:
  20. KER is probably the only mod I cannot play without. Next would be KJR. There's Konstruction! and DockRotate, which have become absolutely vital for orbital construction. SXT, AirplanePlus! and KRE are really nice parts mods to have around. Let's not forget Universal Storage. I've recently started playing around with Buffalo and am in love. AGX is really handy, especially for large, complicated/multi part ships. It's also really nice for clickable, labeled action groups, so you don't have to remember which button does what. For visuals, I'm running SVE and the Calm Nebula skybox. As usual, I'm probably forgetting plenty, as I've been playing with them for so long they're essentially "stock" to me, and I forget it comes from a mod. Welcome to the forums!
  21. Back up your saves, uninstall KSP, reinstall the same way you installed the first time, then put your saves back. Although if you didn't remove anything from the Squad folder (There's no reason to do so), you can just delete everything in GameData except the Squad folder and start over.
  22. Horribly tweaked me some ablative A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S.
  23. I installed this awhile back, but just now got around to playing with the rover / plane parts. All I can say is WOW. This mod could almost be its own game. Bravo sir!
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