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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. If I'm not mistaken, you can't use crossfeed until you unlock the node with the ducts anyway.
  2. Almost every day, unfortunately shower thoughts usually don't stay with me long. I'm pretty sure I've solved world hunger, I just don't remember how. I'll be back here, I'm sure...
  3. Today was my first day caffeine free. Made through better than I thought. 364 more to go before I print myself a 1 year chip.
  4. You should check this out. This will let you dock a new module, then weld them together (Attaches the new module while removing both ports)
  5. There's also a pretty good chance you can ditch the radiators. What's the ship's mission?
  6. I only have to click on it once on the computer, and only have to tap it once on my phone.
  7. +Linux And this is true of all the providers.
  8. Working for me. Win 7 / Waterfox.
  9. If you've ever build a spaceship out of Legos without following directions, this is exactly the game for you.
  10. I once saw someone trying to sell 7 Windows product key stickers on Craigslist for $150. They'd posted a high enough resolution photo of the stickers to make out the numbers, non redacted. So naturally I shared the post on FB. Somehow I doubt he got his $150.
  11. I don't think you can have a better benchmark for a listicle of stupid games.
  12. I was doing like 3 Monsters a day, at least. The tea ones, though, not the gross ones. So calorie wise, it was like 60 a day total. The caffeine was the killer. I've attempted to quit before, but never worked out well. Took an ambulance to the ER last friday morning, got out saturday morning. Sunday I went shopping, and I got myself a 12 pack of Code Red Mt. Dew. This is all I'm giving myself to ween off with. When it's gone, I'm done. Right now I'm at one can in the morning, with a few days left.
  13. Nearing the end of quitting caffeine. These afternoons are brutal. I hope I get used to this soon.
  14. This looks awesome! Will complement Universal Storage very nicely!
  15. I get it. Up until the last few years, I didn't do anything without a GUI. Even my first year or so in Linux, the terminal was a little scary. If you grew up with DOS, I understand where you're coming from. But growing up with Windows, GUI was just how things were done. I'm pretty comfortable at the command line now, although still pretty limited on what I can do from lack of schooling/experience. So while I'm perfectly fine messing around in MySql at the terminal, I'm also pretty glad I have DBeaver sitting around (which lets me manage two MySql servers and an MSSQL server all at the same place.)
  16. I'd contemplated it for awhile, but this is the biggest reason. Also, you know, free. And it's not Windows. While I personally believe this, which OS is superior really comes down to the user, and what they use their computer for. There is a bit of a learning curve, but some of the DEs have an overall feel similar to Windows. If you consider it, it's pretty easy to shop around and try out multiple distributions by simply booting into a live environment from a USB thumb drive.
  17. Those aren't new, they're just not hidden anymore.
  18. I imagine it wouldn't be any different. Any reaction would increment it. Or, if we got negative reactions (which I doubt), then only the positive ones would increment? I doubt we'll see any changes.
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