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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. I would edit the save file, and replace all the normal ports with Konstruction ports.
  2. It'd hard to suggest mods without knowing what you're looking for. Some prefer more parts, but like to keep basic game looks and functionality. Some like features to the game, without changing how it looks or adding more parts. And there's still some who don't care about parts or performance, as long as it looks fantastic. Those are three extremes, and there are infinite spots between. Chances are you're either not staging the decoupler, or you've accidentally attached the booster to the parent tank instead of the decoupler, which is common and easy to do. Hard to tell without some screenshots and/or craft file. Welcome aboard!
  3. Since I actually have to plan things now with this career save, I decided to build a Minmus biome-hopper, and send Jeb and Bob off to grab some science, as well as complete a couple contracts. Hit up 5 biomes, with a crew report, eva report, surface sample, goo sample, temp reading, pressure reading, and science bay sample from each one, as well as planting a flag. (Mainly to help me remember which biomes I already hit) I'd considered hopping to a 6th, but glad I didn't, as I only had 87 m/s left once I had done my return burn.... Which turned out being quite polar. Today we also learned something new! I ditched the service module a little too late / ditched it without flinging it to the side. I've done this before, usually it just comes back and quietly bounces off the heat shield. Not this time! The solar panels broke up just as it was hitting the shield, and two of the panel pieces actually got stuck between the heat shield and the pod. This threw my re-entry into chaos, as the pod could not keep itself retrograde. I got pretty worried as I was coming in at over 3 km/s, and the pod flipping over would have sure ended fatally. Luckily the pieces either poofed out of existance, or broke free, and the pod was able to right itself. So Jeb and Bob survived, along with the 2500+ science on board. Actually impressed with how close to the KSC I was, given my re-entry procedure and that I wasn't exactly trying.
  4. You can adjust how much debris the game keeps around in your settings. It will only track however many you set. Once you hit that limit, every time you create a new piece of debris, the oldest one is deleted. Default is 250. IIRC Range is 0 - 10000
  5. Well, Braum's is on "The list" Wife wanted her burger with nothing but Onions, so I ordered it by saying "Double quarter pounder with nothing but onions." They put more than onions on it. My chicken sandwich had enough mayo on it to birth a calf. I realize they're all about speed at places like this during lunch/dinner, but come on. I seriously doubt waiting another 20 seconds for my food while the people did their jobs correctly would have been detrimental to the company. I didn't even have time to fill the drinks before they called my number. I can wait, and so can everyone else. Then again we're talking about a country where people have called the police on McDonald's for being out of chicken nuggets.
  6. Yeah, I wouldn't. It's certainly not close enough. You'd be closer doubling it.
  7. Today I took a contract for 6 tourists around the Mun. Today I also learned that they can have different itineraries. I didn't realize that Meiden had to freaking land on it. That might have altered the design somewhat. So this turned into two separate missions. First launch of the second flight didn't go too well.. as I forgot the KER module. Still getting used to that. In Science/Sandbox, it's never needed. So I aborted a couple hundred meters up, and tried to save as much of the rocket as I could be doing a parachute/powered landing (obviously the re-entry chutes wouldn't be enough) I miscalculated, blew up the 4 outer engines, but it balanced quite nicely on that one swivel. And it's all Meiden's fault.
  8. Today I finally controlled / read the gpio pins on a raspberry Pi. I can push a button in my browser and make a light blink. There's no stopping me now. Yeah, but Wyoming has less people than any other state in the country, including the oversized backyard known as Rhode Island. Nebraska has nearly 4 times as many people. I kinda want to move to Wyoming.
  9. I do believe the difference is that Kerbin's radius is 600km. If I'm not mistaken, wiki is stating Kerbin's CoM to Mun's CoM, whereas the game is showing Kerbin's sea level to Mun's CoM.
  10. I have my 'back' mouse button set to toggle between Flight and Map view. I've gotten so used to it, that I just tried to use it to back out of Google Street View into the satellite view..
  11. Would it be difficult to turn a kerbal into a tourist when they pass out, and only restore their status at the "hospital"?
  12. Infernal Robotics would be much more flavorful with more toys / options, but if you're looking for a simple 90 deg rotation, just attached the engine with some docking ports and use DockRotate.
  13. 12,000,000 meters. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Mun
  14. Welcome! Not so much a cheat sheet, as design can vary wildly. But there are a few basics that are essential for rockets. Pointy end goes up, hot end points down. You want to keep your Center Of Mass as far up/forward as you can to prevent flipping. You also want to keep your drag as far down/back as you can to prevent flipping. This generally means putting in fairings on the payload when it has a lot of radially attached parts, and putting fins on the bottom. But there's a balance - too many fins or unnecessary fairings will waste fuel. Going straight up / cranking 90 degrees / flooring it to get to orbit is incredibly inefficient. You'll want to research gravity turns. Double, Triple, Quadruple check your staging before launch. Normally I'd recommend KER, but since you're on a console, you may want to brush up on manual dV calculations to make sure your rockets can get where they're going. It's best to ask specific questions, with pictures when you need help! It's much easier to give advice when it can be specific based on what you already have.
  15. Works for me. Although it is odd that it won't embed. Here it is on Imgur: @geologue, are those docking port/reaction wheels one piece? If so, then they're definitely backwards and would explain why the PAW is point to the reaction wheel.
  16. One does not check thermal paste. One replaces it.
  17. I've done that so many times, that now everything unmanned that leaves Kerbin's SOI gets an RTG, whether it needs it or not.
  18. I went there once, when I was a kid. I wanna say this was about '93 or '94, judging by my and my brother's height. (We're the two in the middle) My mom tells me that that's Grace Lee Whitney standing behind me. I'm actually going to be driving through Iowa on my way to Wisconsin on July 2nd... Riverside is only ~12 miles out of the way too. Plans may need to be adjusted.
  19. Could you explain the craft a little bit? I'm trying to wrap my head around the design. Also, what mod are the "Attach-O-Tron" ports? Looks like someone scaled down the Clamp-O-Tron Sr. It also seems to be pointing at a reaction wheel, not the port.
  20. I have no idea what I'm doing for lunch, and it's making me more upset than it should.
  21. You might be able to edit your save file in a way that leaves the contract intact, but changes what the part is.
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