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Posts posted by Geonovast

  1. The only biffed landings I can remember recently were the two that lost an engine on the way up, and one ended up missing because of bad wind data being uploaded to the booster on its way back down.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Falcon_9_and_Falcon_Heavy_launches (81, 83, 108)

    The rough seas one was Arabsat 6A Falcon Heavy.  The center core landed, but the octograbber wasn't configured for the Falcon Heavy core yet (it's different than the Falcon 9 Solo/Side booster config).  So it tipped over from rough seas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Falcon_9_and_Falcon_Heavy_launches_(2010–2019) (FH2).  Every other Falcon Heavy launch either failed landing or intentionally expended the center.  (First test flight had insufficient Tea-Teb), and the STP-2 mission had a heatshield burn through that damaged the TVC.

    As far as I know, that booster (1055) is the only one that landed successfully and then was lost during the recovery process. 

    I believe the only other Block 5 landing failure was B1050, which had a gridfin get stuck on descent and soft landed in the water just offshore.  I mean, it landed... just not where it was supposed to.

  2. 8 hours ago, TwoCalories said:

    I also play Among Us. Yes, I know, the dead, cringe, meme game. But it's still a lot of fun to play.

    Only part that matters.  Don't let anyone, especially the internet at large, let you think it's not ok to play a game you like.


    I've been putting what can only described as an unhealthy amount of time into Oxygen Not Included.


  3. 1 hour ago, BechMeister said:

    I thought I had read as much - So I had to be sure it was not that he ment. So far I have also had plenty of joy in telling of my successes and failures in my "blog" about building two refueling stations - Although I have halted that project until further notice... A bug with collision had me revert to a previous save as my vehicle just plowed through the station and made the parts fly left and right. Its hard to dock parts if the part you are docking to is not firm. :( 

    Fan fic/mission reports/stories are not only welcome, but encouraged.

    What you may have seen is that roleplaying has been forbidden from the forums.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Minmus Taster said:

    One of these was rumored to be Blue Origin customer Hamish Harding who flew to space last year

    I can't help but keep thinking that if this doesn't end with a happy ending, there will be talks of the New Shepard curse, considering Glen M. de Vries  in Nov 2021.

    I can't imagine many situations where this ends happily.

  5. Had a bit of an "Oh, huh" moment.

    Today I learned that the space shuttle fired its forward nose RCS thrusters during booster separation to protect the windshield from the booster separation motor exhaust.  With all I've watched/read on the shuttle, surprised I'd never heard of this before.

    https://www.nas.nasa.gov/assets/nas/pdf/staff/Rogers_S_CFD_Assessment_of_Forward_Booster_Separation_Motor_Ignition_Overpressure_on_ET_XT_718_Ice-Frost_Ramp.pdf (page 3)

  6. AP is the highest point in your orbit.
    PE is the lowest.

    If you're at AP and raising your PE to circularize, and the PE gets higher than the AP (even if it's just a tiny fraction of a meter), then it's no longer the lowest point.  It's now the highest, and your AP becomes the lowest, so they switch.

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