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Posts posted by Geonovast

  1. 2 hours ago, Robin Patenall said:

    You can't go that fast, if you do then any bump will send you rover tumbling and explode.

    The best way I've found to counteract this is to have a couple reaction wheels on the rover.  Set them to SAS only and leave SAS on stability assist.  This way the reaction wheels will try to keep the orientation of the rover stable while ignoring your control inputs (so it doesn't pitch forward when you try to drive forward).  You can flip the SAS on/off with F (T will toggle it on/off, F will flip its state only when held) so you can re-set the held orientation when driving on big banks or going up/down hills

    You can also put some RCS on the thing that you can use to orient and soft-land in the event you do get thrown up upwards or accidentally fly off a cliff you didn't know was there.

  2. 2 hours ago, Nuke said:

    went to the eye doctor for the first time in 25 years, getting glasses. opted for rectangular frames when the round ones made me look like an evil german physicist. john lennon glasses not covered by my insurance.  rectangular ones got a hipster vibe, not a big fan, but i didn't like any of the others. 

    Get the little flexible ones that you stick directly to your eye and nobody else will see.

  3. 11 hours ago, tater said:

    Those are text prompts to images... incredibly fun to play with.

    Had a fun run with craiyon recently.  My pfp is shamelessly taken from one of its results.  It's certainly not the best one out there, but it's really fun since most of its drawings look like the scribblings of a hyperactive 6 year old whose psych meds stopped working.

    I don't remember the prompt for this one, but one of my favorites.  Since craiyon gives rather small pictures, I also ran this one through an AI upscaler.


  4. Just a friendly reminder here to try to keep it on topic, please.  There's a quite lengthy conversation going that has become only tangentially related to the topic of the thread. 

    If you would like to keep discussing details of overpopulation and the effects it has on off world colonization, or the economics of spending money on space versus other areas, please feel free to fire up separate threads.  Just remember to keep it civil and to keep the politics out of it.


    Thank you.

  5. Can you post a screenshot?

    F1 will take an in-game screenshot.  It's then saved inside a folder called Screenshots inside your KSP folder.  You can then upload the picture to a site like imgur, and share the link to the picture here.  The forum itself will not host images.

  6. On 8/18/2022 at 12:22 AM, Nizrael said:

    Just a heads-up @Geonovast, the CKAN listing for Superfluous Nodes still shows 0.6 as the latest version, with max compatible game version listed as 1.7.1.  I have no problem installing the 0.7 version from Spacedock manually, but it might be a source of confusion for someone in the future.

    My support of CKAN extends as far as me checking the checkbox in Spacedock when I upload.  I checked and it's still enabled for the mod.  Please let the CKAN people know that you're having issues, I don't actually have any idea how CKAN operates.

  7. Your problem now is probably the lack of signal.  If you look at the upper left just right of the MET, you see a small yellow icon.  This tells you that you have limited probe control.  You might be able to do basic things like open solar panels, but you don't be able to drive.  Since the Mun is tidally locked to Kerbin  (I'm assuming this is Mun and not Dres), you'll never get signal from the body rotating.  You'll need some kind of relay satellite in orbit to bounce a signal off of to get back to Kerbin.

  8. This is very common.  Your control point is facing towards the ground, as indicated by the navball being entirely brown.

    You can click on the probe core and switch its direction to "forward", however you're still going to have issues as it will still be upside down.

    I'm assuming that's an engineer since you added the battery.  You could move the antenna to a different part of the rover, and then flip the probe core around.

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