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Everything posted by JPGSP

  1. here the photo https://imgur.com/a/W7mDZSn also i got another problem https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/177601-ksp-vab-crash/&page=0#comment-3434680 here it is if you want to help
  2. I got this problem that some times when im launching a rocket ksp crashes and I have no idea why it crashes. the worst thing is that it dosent create a file where shows the problem or I dont know where is located (and it takes ~40 min to load but that is irelevant to the problem) It will be good if any person helped
  3. So after fixing the 2 problems I had sometimes when launching a spacecraft/plane the game crashes and it alredy hapend 2 times and like I said in the title it dosent leave ant files. I think this happend to me a while ago but I dont remember what I did to fix it. Any idea how to fix it?
  4. It worked I have a screenshot of it but I dont know how to post it
  5. What happend to me insteresting is that when I when to KSP with +120 mods I found out that I had +4400 parts
  6. One thing when you said the thing of changing the UI I misundersandet and I thought you ment changing the resolution currently I alredy change the scale of the UI and waiting for KSP to load
  7. 1 Yes I tried to change the UI but nothing also I am thinking of using my external screen when plating ksp but it is in the uk and I am in spain 2No I finishes installing all my mods and I dont want more If its that I thought of when going to edit chose the one you want to edit and then when finish editing you put all of them back Do you think that could work?
  8. I alredy fix it but still thanks It turns out that the proplem was that instaled the wrong version of the expansion of Infernal Robotics
  9. Does any one knows why my ksp crashes? Here is 1 of the files error:
  10. thanks il try it and I will make a copy of my instalation before
  11. I chose my picture because it was the best picture that I had compatible and I chose this username because it was the abribation of the old name of my YT channel
  12. I chose my picture because it was the best picture that I had compatible and I chose this username because it was the abribation of the old name of my YT channel
  13. I was going to play ksp with 118 mods and then when I go to the game settings (the one when you create a new game) and when I enter it I had so many mods that added a tab to that menu that the cancel and accept button didnt appear I think that could be fix by having a bigger screen (I have an external one) (my laptops one is 1366*768) So do you got any ideas how to fix that? if you do comment
  14. The 4/8/2018 so 3 days ago was my aniversery of 1 year in the forums:D.I still remember the day I buyed KSP.

  15. Does the part work in RO/RSS? And with work I mean that you could build a scaled rocket that worked as in real life. If not is there any way to scale them up?
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