How many sentences per paragraph? Where I am, a paragraph is 7-10 massive sentences. Is this less per paragraph? If not, then I will screw up horribly, as writing is my absolute worst subject. Also, plagiarism is not allowed. HAHAHA.
Granted, but said glory breaks the Internet, causing every teenager to freak from not having the Internet. Said freak out causes everyone to destroy everything. I wish for a feather.
Hehe... I am ready! THE UNION SHALL RISE AGAIN. Country name: Union of the Sea of Veiid Flag: Map: Anthem: COMING SOON. Governmental form: Representative democracy. Ideology: Capitalistic History: COMING SOON.
Granted, but everyone quits due to bad grammar. I wish for a working computer that doesn\'t break that can run KSP while using a 120 watt electrical supply.
I do not like losing anything. Part of my personality. That, and it is nicely tucked away from most of the world, allowing easy economic stability and neutrality. Of course, I am unsure if moderators can claim first. Let us prepare for this test!