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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. *Points at random guy with a roll of toilet paper* GIVE ME YOUR STUFF. I can kill with this!
  2. How many sentences per paragraph? Where I am, a paragraph is 7-10 massive sentences. Is this less per paragraph? If not, then I will screw up horribly, as writing is my absolute worst subject. Also, plagiarism is not allowed. HAHAHA.
  3. Granted, but you have to make a new thread for that or break the OP. I wish I had a piece of dirt.
  4. Granted, but you are called a n00b. I wish for RP to open.
  5. Granted, but it makes you fat and you die. I wish for a papaya.
  6. Granted, you live in nothing. I wish that someone would grant my previous wish.
  7. Granted, but then you get an out of memory error. I wish for a shotgun to call things with.
  8. In addition, no claims were filed yet.
  9. Granted, but the cheering from the fixed grammar causes the world to implode. I wish for a duck.
  10. FFFUUUUU. I hope my shotgun approach still works. Also, I like bragging. It\'s a thing.
  11. Granted, but said glory breaks the Internet, causing every teenager to freak from not having the Internet. Said freak out causes everyone to destroy everything. I wish for a feather.
  12. Hehe... I am ready! THE UNION SHALL RISE AGAIN. Country name: Union of the Sea of Veiid Flag: Map: Anthem: COMING SOON. Governmental form: Representative democracy. Ideology: Capitalistic History: COMING SOON.
  13. Granted, but everyone quits due to bad grammar. I wish for a working computer that doesn\'t break that can run KSP while using a 120 watt electrical supply.
  14. Granted, but then some guy steals it. I wish for a pizza.
  15. I got the pasting ready to go!
  16. Granted, but then you get a 404 error, as you try to divide by zero and find that it is really an instantkill. I wish for nothing.
  17. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU. Well, at least all nations start on the Kortugan thread, which is blank.
  18. Granted, but a massive flying cow hits it with a solid rocket booster. I wish for a tamed massive flying cow that craps out Jebidiah Kermans.
  19. I do not like losing anything. Part of my personality. That, and it is nicely tucked away from most of the world, allowing easy economic stability and neutrality. Of course, I am unsure if moderators can claim first. Let us prepare for this test!
  20. And are there appears to be a blank map on the forum\'s Kortuga thread. So are there claims (I think LW has one) or are we able to call shotgun?
  21. I am still unsure about retaining claims. When is it applicable? Is it even allowed?
  22. I am American! (Seriously. I am. Many of my peers talk like that for no reason, and then say it is friendly.)
  23. Viruses? Computers cannot catch the cold! (Also, I know what you mean)
  24. Shut up, you ***! (Us Americans. Haha.)
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