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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. The thoughts are summarized as so: NINJA\'D.
  2. Not related to RP. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  3. I recommend following Radion\'s forum as a rule example.
  4. No, since at the moment it appears horribly organized.
  5. I call everything. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Just kidding
  6. Call the other moderators ???
  7. Retain? I AM! Who is betting that a war will break out again in the Veiid Sea? Also, I am still going to keep the purchased area from the old RP forum as part of the claim. HEHE.
  8. Meanwhile, I have not gotten out of bed all day, as I am waiting for the site to open. CANNOT WAIT. *Reading about politics on Wikipedia*
  9. It is most likely to be done when you make an account or try to login before having done the test. Either that, or all of your posts will get annihilated except one in a test thread. Then, you would probably get a notification via PM saying that you either passed or failed.
  10. Oh wait, so it is not a massive wall of text exceeding one paragraph? I CALL SHOTGUN! (I love tests)
  11. OOG1: It is Out Of Game, not Out Of Character. OOG2: They are bronies. Avoid at all costs! IG: As many people know, Albert Einstein was one of the most famous scientists in the world. He was born on March 14, 1879 and raised in Ulm, Germany. His father, Hermann Einstein, was a salesman and also an engineer. Albert\'s family were non-observant Jews. He attended a Catholic school for only three years. After leaving, he transferred to Luitpold Gymnasium where he got advanced primary school education before leaving his home country only seven years later. Einstein also had a speech problem. This did not effect his later works. Most people only know Eistein as and do not really know what he has done to help modern physics. He was a German physicist who affected modern physics after developing the theory of general relativity. He also recieved many awards and honors. Einstein won the Noble Prize in Physics in 1921. Einstein was also voted for Times\'s Person of the Century in 1999. Albert Einstein is also known for discovering the EPR paradox and the Unified Field Theory. These are only some of his achievements. Albert Einstein later died on April 18, 1955 at age 76. He died in Princeton, New Jersey after facing internal bleeding caused by a rapture in his abdominal aortic aneurysm. He refused surgery and repeatedly said,'I want to go when I want. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.' Albert\'s doctor removed his brain without the permission of his family in hopes it would be able to discover what made the famous physicist incredibly intelligent.
  12. Wait, a writing test? Considering that I suck at writing fictional works, I hope that it doesn\'t cause my brain to implode. Of course, this applies if I have to write a massive wall of text, since literature is my weak point.
  13. (Insert political comments here) back on topic, please. ALMOST SATURDAY. FIRE THE APPLICATION CANNONS.
  14. The above person likes writing sentences considered to 'run on.'
  15. The person above should realize that I meant that my post was beaten to the post button.
  16. The person above is related to the reason why Jeb has not shot a rock at Kerbin from deep space. NINJA\'d.
  17. The person above is a Noob, but is miniature, and therefore is a Nooblet.
  18. If I posted an image, I would have to A. Make sure it was a recent one B. Nobody elseis in it C. I am old enough to. Believe me, I look and act older then I really am. And if you saw my picture, you would talk about the mass of hair on top of my head.
  19. The person above is violating forum rules by not using spellcheck ever and therefore is able to be banned at any second.
  20. The Internet. HEHEHE.
  21. This person would have >500 posts if off topic and games were counted.
  22. I get North Korea to launch a rocket next to you. Obviously, I become King of the Hill.
  23. I reject the theory. King of the hill!
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