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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. Yuck. (I only eat pumpkin pie. All others taste bad to me)
  2. On my first Munar landing attempt, I tried using parachutes, thinking that the smoke from crashed debris below me would slow me down. Plus, I did not know how to slow down, so I had to burn TOWARDS the Mun to get in a landing trajectory. I hit at 2,000 m/h. Did not even orbit; I used direct ascent to get there.
  3. But remember, lizards need food. The Kerbals apparently do not need any, seeing that you do not need life support in the pod.
  4. I used to have no common sense like you, but then I did nothing about it.
  5. Once I saw swirls. Then a planet crashed into 5 deathstars in the backround. Very odd.
  6. 2/10 for not being able to understand, but involving boosters.
  7. The person above failed to realize that Godwin\'s Law was broken, even though it is not an official law.
  8. There is a thing called not everyone uses social networks.
  9. You also need to get at least 70% of it right.
  10. Arcane, I am American. Meanwhile, I do all of the heavy grunt work (assembling stuff, fixing stuff, running a large home network) at the age of 13. I started at 9. Please, do not stereotype us Americans. Thank you, and have a nice day!
  11. Granted, but my face is already red from getting hit from a banhammer, so nobody notices it. I wish my nation got approved.
  12. I attached an RCS nozzle to a full, but broken SRB. Then I used a wheel\'s power supply to ignite it.
  13. 1. Go to roleplayksp.tk 2. Go to the test board all the way at the bottom 3. Answer questions in a PM to Charzy or Radion 4. Hope you pass 5. Make an account approved by Radion on the RP forum 6. ROLEPLAY.
  14. Your land (and the purchased region I got) were taken by the Kortugans for inciting flame wars. Then LW claimed it.
  15. Yes, yes they did. Since Radion is busy grading tests, applications are closed. Also, FUUUUUU I was wrong.
  16. Normally, I get an A on a test without studying. On this one, I got a 74 with studying for two days straight.
  17. Granted, but now the test is to never go on the Internet again. I wish that Charzy had a tomato on their face.
  18. My god, that was a hard test. Seriously, do not attempt it unless you want an instant WMBD (Weapon of Mass Brain Destruction)
  19. In seventh grade, and on one night.
  20. You both are lucky. I regularly get five paragraph projects, with have to be 7-10 sentences a paragraph, AND include citations, extra paragraphs on main people, etc. Normal project is about 10-12 paragraphs. That is 70-120 sentences. *sob*
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