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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. [gmod]Don't do spoiler trains.[/gmod] EDIT: On topic: Very good picture, though. Makes me want more! EDIT2: Note of pre-warning warning spoilered.
  2. Warned you all, it was bad. I just picked what I thought were great ports and connected them. Considering it was based only off the nations map, so yeah.
  3. I would, but it needs flash player. Flash player is not on any iOS device. Imandreas sad.
  4. I most likely will not be doing a moon mission myself, seeing that all my computers are broken forever, and it is hard for a thirteen year-old to scrape up money when the area has no work to be done. EDIT: Rough map of sea-based trade routes for current nations. Note it is VERY BAD, and was made just for yelling/praise. Sorry, Makavi and Rigitiem, but I really need to add more to both of your nations.
  5. Let us see... *Imandreas looks for domain name*
  6. What I am betting on: Colonies everywhere. Lordwasteland invades UoSoV, madness ensures. Independence wars for colonies occur Popeter manages to beat the test, craziness ensures. Somebody takes over half the world via uniting colonies, and then everyone else unites to take them down. And finally, Atlaniego\'s experiments in nuclear energy end up in a massive crater, which doubles the size of the Jhazi Strait.
  7. Wait, colonization? Looks like I am drawing a map of future plans, then.
  8. Do note that I will be keeping my policy of non-aggression, so an attack will end up like what happened to Alurdan Federation. (Read: Attack never happens, but aggressor dies. Lol.)
  9. It is not compatible with most computers; you have to delete system 32.
  10. The Union sees a market in smuggled* mail. Off topic: *Based on US logic, everything is ok as long as it is for democracy, freedom, the bald eagle, or American football.
  11. 53 words per minute, on an iPad. Had to disable spell check and auto-caps for it to be realistic-ish.
  12. In more news, this news thing is getting unoriginal for Imandreas, and instead wants to say WAHOOOOOOOOOO! And now to Tim (not you, Barrett!)
  13. Purple. Also, Nope, paintbrush. That is, before that computer broke too.
  14. In other news, Imandreas just realized that something awesome happened, and that he should really stare at a computer instead of doing productive work to watch for updates.
  15. Let the genius* do the work! you EDIT: Warning: bad grammar
  16. Oh god, another planet suggestion thread. Please, use the 'search' function in the top right corner.
  17. Since some of us have incompatible OSes (iOS ) I guess I count the pixels individually. This will be fun.
  18. Hmmm... I guess I would love to... wait, already done. How about... Come on, done too! I will settle on... WHY IS EVERYTHING DONE?! Great ideas, guys. I cannot think of an original one, though.
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