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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. Nope, endy always will spawn there. Should have used a water bucket.
  2. THE EYES. Somebody should end the cycle of minecraft.
  3. I nearly started a world war over weed killer. See the problem there?
  4. Trying to RP without breaking your computer due to the enormous amount of stupidity I manage to crank out every day.
  5. Either a nation dies (inactive ones) or vaccinated itself. You could try anytime, just one rule: stay neutral. It helps. ALOT. Advantages: You qualify as a GM when one is needed. Everybody trades with you. Nobody actually attacks the innocent nation of innocentness. You get the largest treasury by never having to spend on anything. And you basically are set up to win if I ever decided to nuke everything one day.
  6. At first, the game seemed incomprehensible. Those graphics packs make it look a trillion times easier, at the level of 'I can actually move around, and then have fun.
  7. And the other half... Or as I like to call it, 'The crapstorm that has occurred because of me'
  8. Nothing else as an obligation. Although you should immediately build up bunkers; I am highly prone to causing wars. And if you ever wanted to remain neutral, never have an ally. Seriously. Allies=no nutrality=me dragging you into war some way.
  9. Great, nearly started a war over weed killer.
  10. And I keep on igniting world wars. Classic Andreas.
  11. (Insert something to blow up a bomber here)
  12. Hehe. (If it fails, it is a bomber.)
  13. Pfft. Submarine-based nuclear missiles are the future.
  14. Killed by something I have a dislike for. Great.
  16. TWO SUGGESTIONS: Continent one Name: Krussia Anfrienmia Reason: I thought it looks like an Anfrienmia! Continent three Name: Veiid Ivnor Reason: Ivnor is an inside name I use to mean ice. Tons of that stuff down there!
  17. Now post something from real life.
  18. How do you counter a go sign with a computer?
  19. First of all, personal attacks are never tolerated on both forums. Second, when I get my hands on the Reaper Corperation... Third, Radion saved my a** from striking at the Aeresian naval force. Seriously, I was about to start when he came on. That close. Finally, the browser\'s coding is different, so it must have changed server connections and stuff. And I think I just RP\'d. *Hiding from banhammer*
  20. Not on iOS. EDIT: Got a new web browser, moving on.
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