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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. Man, I am extremely new. 0.13 was when I came. Or was it 13.2? Either way, I came in around that time.
  2. Nope. And then I expect a hammer. Or thermite.
  3. There appears to be no way of generating power by itself, so your craft has to pack it in batteries.
  4. No problem. This picture was difficult to find.
  5. everyone watch your language. There are youngsters on the forums!
  6. If this actually is following the Windows development cycle, we do not need a Vista on our hands.
  7. Lucky. I really should get a real anthem up, and not just a horrible chant.
  8. When life gives you lemons, you turn them into rocket fuel for Jebidiah\'s boosters.
  9. On the bright side, the nation posts are becoming more like nation posts!
  10. Nah, just a PHP switch. I doubt that takes forever, but I cannot code anything!
  11. That Vanilla was getting me awfully confused. Thanks for working absurd amounts of unpaid hours for us all!
  12. Down on iOS. We really need to stop getting overused servers.
  13. Want a list of computers I have killed? Mac Pro (2003-2012) Never have a power surge without grounding. Mac PowerBook G4 (2005-2012) I hate power cords. Dell Inspiron Mini 1012 (2010-2012?) Maintain the power input! [li]Note: if I can fix the power input or put in an external battery charger, it will work. I screwed up the keyboard, though.[/li] This year, I have lost TONS of hardware to the ravages of heavy usage (and trying to make KSP work on a PowerPC chip.)
  14. Apparently, the buttons for posting pictures, formatting text, etc, all require flash player. This removes all functionality on iOS, which is the only type of OS I have on an unbroken device. I also tried on my friend\'s Android, and it cannot work with formatting with it\'s flash player. Could there be BBC code instead, or at least provide the extensions for formatting (like what are the tags for images you put the URL in between?) It would help anyone wanting to RP via a tablet or smartphone.
  15. HOORAH! It is open to nation owners! And now, a poem. When I woke, RP was broke, It was bad, And very sad. Immediately after, Radion came faster, He set up a forum, To make us less bored! Many days later, It got better, And now we celebrate, Our... screw it. WAHOO!
  16. Good thing, I have all my RP stuff at home. I am at my dad\'s place until tomorrow night.
  17. I cannot remember this, but I will take your word for it.
  18. Wasn\'t RP reset? The canals shouldn\'t be there. If they somehow are in the game, then I failed badly.
  19. Oh god... you might start Global Thermonuclear War! (Which would never happen, unless you want Kerbin full of radiation)
  20. The site will be up sometime today or tomorrow. In addition, you must take a test before you RP. The test is difficult; it makes building a ten thousand part space station look easy.
  21. *Jebidiah Jebidiah would launch two rockets into opposite orbits as a supercollider.
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