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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. I found a 0.12 article on the Mun on Tigersource when 0.13 was released. Got demo, found out about persistence, and promptly crapped a golden booster and bought it.
  2. Apparently, we kill each other... At the same time. Shenanigans.
  3. Good thing I have a baseball bat, a lighter, and gasoline. Although I still die, despite having a flaming bat OF DEATH.
  4. I learned that anything can cause a toe to bleed, even hitting an ant. (I fail)
  5. I need to make more stupidity and embarrassment, or I will have to make a forum myself. /sarcasm (Yes, the whole boom thing was also sarcasm)
  6. 1. Remember the first killing? And you know, bombings? Please, when a nation houses a group that kills world leaders, that nation will be hated by everything. 2. Give it? Ascen apparently is 'my way or the highway' while I am trying to remake the original UoSoV from the RP that was on this forum. Basically, the one with a crappy army and the one place anyone could go without getting shot at by a potato. 3. By centrist, I refer to mixed economic. If a wrong term, go blame Wikipedia. Never break rule two in those forums. Which already has occured, since I claim it. BWAHAHAHA.
  7. Suggestions: Kew Kork Karis Kondon Kiami Kokeyo Kan Krakisko Never mind. (Sorry Nova)
  8. *Flashback* The Great Anti-Avian Embargo Problem? (In case you do not know, I decided to cause shenanigans after Ascen repeated attacks against any that wouldn\'t join in. And thus is how you generalize.)
  9. Do not bring in RP on these forums. Liberation is not in KSP itself, and can thus be seen as RP. Do not break rule two. Do not let me within 10 lightyears of explosives. That is all.
  10. In this RP, somebody forgot to actually say they did where. (Oh, and end now, before bans come inbound) And thread will come when forums are up. (never)
  11. Nope. Ride a boat, ride a boat... *boom* (I never said where or how it worked. Believe me, it required serious crap to happen. Oh, and it is not in your little corner of RP.) Moral: never build your rocket launchpad near shipping lanes in a world where someone with a single rock could destroy half of civilization.
  12. Nope. Rocket fuel. Lots of it was involved. Also, it is FAR away. And in-game, leaving two areas possible.
  13. I was about to post that something was blown up by the VR, along with screenshot evidence to show it passed the 25% chance nerfing I used to make it fair.
  14. Russia. (Crazy rocket program in Soviet times) Favorite rocket?
  15. I never realized how much we use the refresh button.
  16. In the background, I see a Spore in the air. (Lame joke. But nice picture and hilarious caption)
  17. Ur mom self. When I say z, what comes to mind?
  18. Used to not know crap about orbital mechanics; I burned everywhere to move. Above the Mun (direct launch pointing there) I would try to slow down for a landing. My orbit would form whenever I slowed, though. When I found that pointing at it in a certain way made me lose the periapsis, I burned towards the Mun. I hit, but at almost 1 k/s.
  19. If you need me, I will be orbiting with my perighe inside the Earth. (Intentional misspelling of perigee in my sentence. Captcha is suddenly more interesting)
  20. Melt sword, post results:
  21. Piet******i (More name censorship, last name this time. Too many different ones, though, to be specific enough) When I say K?
  22. My name, B****o. (Censored for age. And the fact that it is hard to pronounce. And is a very rare name outside of a certain region in a non-US nation.) When I say N?
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