Spelling error, like usual. I hate the T. And I made the comparison only because a nation violated a treaty, and it was the one I had on my mind. (That, and the violations lead to a bloodbath, which made it even more obvious)
See: Treaty of Vestallies. (Joke is, nations may ignore treaties. Besides, the removal reason in the treaty involves OOC things, which were reset. It seriously breaks the treaty thing.)
Tim,that thing is big and huge and all, but it is getting old. I mean, it is half-rusted right now! You need a new flying boat! (Yours is absurdly awesome, but posted in most challenges like this.)
Great, more newspapers for The Kregorian (Mine! Haha!) to print. On the bright side, MOAR war stories! (And the Verdad is funny to read, mostly for the obvious bias)
Just to throw that in there. He\'s not the biggest Youtuber, but he covers KSP. Fixed it. Also, I found it on the Tigersource website: http://www.tigsource.com/2011/11/25/kerbal-space-program-0-12-now-with-more-mun/
Roblox is Kathy for anybody unless you have... no, not even that would help. You literally need a NASA computer (metaphorically) to run it above 1 frame a second.