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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. Hello! My greatest tip is to ALWAYS check for a parachute. Not having one can make landing incredibly scary. Also, In before Skunky.
  2. *calling shotgun for hosting you* I AM A NINJA. On topic: waiting is not boring!
  3. And I do not want to start ANOTHER flame war over the area I am at. I mean, really. Look at the past: 1. War over land purchase that tips flaming over the edge. 2. Kortugans destroy a nation and take purchase (cry cry) because of flames. 3. New forum, flame over entire nation\'s claim. TL;DR: preserve the old map.
  4. Back to serious business.
  5. Most of us agree. Including me. Also, 300? THIS IS KERBAL
  6. Efficiency? That\'s NOT Kerbal. Fuel tank space elevators that explode whole continents? That\'s Kerbal!
  7. Imandreas


    1. Exact. 2. The reason why they could not take land is because every other nation would destroy them for agressive actions. In addition, the materials are expensive, but many space programs have achieved quite a bit with limited funds. Imagine if the US decided to octuple the funding of NASA, as an example of my thought. 3. Off topic, but basically same as No. 1.
  8. Seventh grade middle school. While never taught about fictional writing. On topic: waiting for the day in which we can enjoy the worthwhile wait.
  9. I hate the show Jersey Shore. Holy crap, I\'m New Jersite! (I do not know the actual name. Besides, the States are semi-autonomous regions that practically can act like nations)
  10. Easy? Looks like school taught you something.
  11. Imandreas


    The pessimism in this thread is absurd. I know for CERTAIN that some crazy guy is going to want to forge an empire. Since there is no land left on Earth, they would be forced to take over the moon and settle it. Then everyone will join in the space race.
  12. Lives in a large town without a fast food store. Holy frack, I\'m American
  13. Personally, I like using imperial if only because different parts of my body are exact lengths for the scale. Seriously, my upper 1/3 of my pinkie is an inch, my foot is a foot, and my arm is a yard. Very odd, right? (Also, Kelvin IS the official temperature unit in SI. Celsius is not!)
  14. And some of us spent MINUTES on our pages! /humor (Seriously am hoping for the upload to work, though.)
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