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Everything posted by Imandreas

  1. Someone that if Off Topic posts were counted, their post count would quadruple.
  2. Dogon11 just got the 8,000th post in challenges! Also, nice dragster. Someone push for Mach 1!
  3. Someone who isn\'t witty. (Also, being late is called being Ninja\'d.)
  4. Note: Fix my computer that can run KSP.
  5. A person that doesn\'t know how big a big picture is.
  6. D**m Kortugans, always messing up all civilized stuff!
  7. Site ending? Hope that does not mean ending. (As in, shutdown)
  8. Hmmm. Well, time to prepare the flying cows ninjas.
  9. I hope we can retain our original claims. Makes my life that much easier (read: less work for my lazy self)
  10. Only time I haven\'t posted was 4 AM. And I am a teen in the US (I sneak to post sometimes)
  11. Hehe. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10258
  12. The person above was promoted to a global moderator position.
  13. Granted, but you just used it up. I wish to know where Waldo is hiding.
  14. Hey look, Bill is smiling in all of them! How did you do it?
  15. This person suggested nuking something in a blocked forum.
  16. Support. Can the UoSo- you know what I mean. Also, let us all hope that this doesn\'t violate that ruling. Unless, of course, you actually want a ban.
  17. The new second one is smaller, has an inclined orbit, and is farther away. You might want to play in the atmosphere first, though.
  18. This one seems more useful, with bombs for ground targets, so that missiles are dedicated to anti-air.
  19. Well, Kerbin has always been named Kerbin. Persistence got added. Map view was improved. Plane construction in vanilla A new mun. Plugins. More exploded Kerblings. Monoliths on every celestial body. Kerbol is solid. Oh, and did I mention that Kerbin went through climate change and now has deeper water and ice caps?
  20. Pretty large for a light fighter. Looks more like a medium tactical fighter-bomber to me.
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