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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. I know, but this allows for lagrange points, but n-body would require a complete overhaul of the game engine.
  2. http://money.cnn.com/2017/07/27/technology/business/spacex-valuation-21-billion/index.html https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/07/as-dominance-of-launch-market-looms-spacex-now-valued-at-21-billion/
  3. I know. I'm just saying it is unlikely it will dip below 15 billion in the next several years.
  4. Spacex has been valuated at 21 billion dollars- more than NASA's annual budget. Although NASA is pretty much guaranteed to get at least 15 billion every year, Spacex launches are much cheaper per payload to orbit.
  5. @Pand5461 @SpacePilotMax Are you doing any missions? Next is orbital flight for US and lunar impact probe for USSR.
  6. The orbital paths are not necessary. You could have normal patched conics and on rails lagrange points that are small spheres you can "dock" to. Maybe rightclicking on the root part and selecting "Attach to lagrange" if you're moving less than 2 m/s?
  7. I was just about to post that. Please stay on topic.
  8. Although you can manually do an L4/L5/L3 lagrange point, an L1 point would be nice fort a refueling base. Exactly. A 2-body system is needed to increase computer performance.
  9. Not if you have onrails spheres that your ship can dock to if it is moving slowly in one. Like asteroids without collisions.
  10. Some russian astronauts have had equivalent exposures as on a mission to Mars. A "simple" shelter would be needed for solar flares though.
  11. Since the Apollo program was only 14 billion dollars(inflation adjusted) per year(over eight years), it seems unlikely that with far more advanced technology(Apollo computer programs were literally woven by hand), a Mars mission would cost 10 times as much. Especially considering Spacex Falcon Heavy, which cost just 90 million per launch of 60 tons. A factor of 35 is abit much though.
  12. What about the ITS? That could be ready by 2024, or at least by 2030. That is one of the problems- very large differences in money estimation. Robert Zubrin predicts 30 billion, others say 35 times more.
  13. Or maybe, instead of patched conics or n-body, workaround fake lagrange point? The gravity wouldn't be simulated, but there would be on-rails spheres where if your ship is in them moving less than 1 m/s, your spacecraft would just be "docked" there. You could set them as targets and use the target system as if they were spacecraft, but they would have no SOI. Like asteroids. Planets can still be on rails.
  14. If the effects of gravity were only simulated on the center of mass, and not every part, would that fix the problem?
  15. The buttons reappeared, but the parts do not match the modles of the parts on screen. https://imgur.com/a/lEDcp 80% of parts I click on show a random part on the screen.
  16. https://imgur.com/a/N3kkF ??????? https://imgur.com/a/lEDcp
  17. @XLjedifound any monoliths at the smiley yet?
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