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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. I installed CKAN, and am trying to do a RO/SSRSS career, but I have weird bugs. When I hover over a part thumbnail in the VAB, it displays text for a random part. When I drag the parts out, they are very tiny or invisible, or the part on the screen is random. And now, I can't even get past the start screen, Where are the buttons??
  2. Orbiter 2010 has lower system reqs than ksp, and has n-body physics- so it is possible. Orbiter 2010 also disproves claims that n-body makes time warp impossible. Orbiter 2010 also uses "semi-on-rails" planets. So, while the perturbances aren't actually simulated, they are there, because they are precalculated.
  3. It is well known that there's a Duna pyramid that makes an SSTV signal(sound that can be made into image). Three years ago, it was found by @Holo that if you go 10,000 peta meters from kerbol, another signal appears. @holo was unable to do it again. It is possible it only works once per install- so have recording software ready. It also must be an actual vessel, not a part ejected by a bug.
  4. +roboslacker Are you still doing it? I am going to change the rules to make a time limit of 1 week.
  5. This isn't a challenge- you don't have to actually pilot the subs there(they're very slow and would take several hours- or even days- of real time.(Maybe I should make a sub speed challenge)) The more people who search, the greater the chance of finding another Easter Egg!
  6. http://www.armaghplanet.com/blog/the-amazing-aldebaran-spacecraft.html 7-30 thousand tons to LEO. Would probably make a radioactive tsunami though. It uses nuclear propulsion in space, and hydrofoil wings to ascend. The wings appear to contain engines of some sort. Maybe nuclear ramjets?
  7. For "Tongues of flame" are air brakes allowed? What about blimps?
  8. I downloaded Telemarcus Alpha 4, which worked, but after installing houston, it no longer functioned. The parts are still there, but when I right click, nothing pops up.
  9. Actually, its not really an easter egg, because the cacti/trees aren't easter eggs. Still something interesting though.
  10. There's seaweed!!! I'll have to go add that to the easter egg wiki page.
  11. In altitude maps of Kerbin, a smiley face is visible is in the south west sea. While I'm not the first to notice this, I don't believe anyone has actually taken a submarine there. Could there be a fifth monolith or something else?
  12. Exactly. So you can go to Eeloo is Sarnus orbit, or Plock, or both, but please don't move Eeloo.
  13. Eeloo is replaced by Plock in OPM. !!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Are you going to assemble in orbit or launch all at once?
  15. Parts do not have to be recovered. There's no bonus for that.
  16. From a 100 km starting orbit, create the lowest mass 3-kerbal Duna landing vehicle. You do not have to fly it there, you can use debug menu or hyper-edit. Only 1 drogue chute allowed. Reentry heating must be set to 120%. Score: (100 - mass)-partcount. Bonus- The DDV should be able to take the crew to a base if needed. Upon landing, plant a flag for reference. With your remaining fuel, try to hop as far as possible. + 1 point for every 2 kilometers. Maximum 100 kilometers. Alternatively, bring a rover(which cannot have solar panels) and drive that. +1 point for every kilometer, maximum 50 kilometers. Perform an abort to orbit with same vehicle when at an altitude of 20-30 kilometers: +50 points. Must also do a normal descent. Land near an anomaly or another spacecraft: + 1 point for within 10 km, +2 for within 9, ect. Mods: All autopilots allowed(Mechjeb's rover autopilot is useful.). Tweakscale banned. No procedural parts. Stock alike parts allowed. No nukes or ions. Use RO: X2 points Use RSS: X2 points 1. DAL59 - 83 points
  17. Well, the USSR has already started, so I decided to open it once few people joined. I'm making a rule that you have to join whatever team is currently behind on missions. So for now, everyone new has to join US.
  18. USSR money: 237,826 -4497 +6000 New total: 239,329 Note: I am lowering funding for all teams by 100,000.
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