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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. That is one thing I think KSP really needs- the ability to use mining for profit.
  2. My apollo alternate architecture challenge was based on some trouble I was having. I ended up figuring it out on my own before anyone posted a reply though. The challenge was successful.
  3. Now that a solar flare has destroyed my radiator, I cannot promote my bernal! But I can still use my Kuck Mosquito as a missile to attack your base on Mercury.
  4. Have you heard about the Hypernova concept? http://www.jhuapl.edu/techdigest/TD/td2703/mcNutt.pdf Page 270 proposes a rocket the size of the Eiffel Tower capable of delivering 10,000 tons to LEO! That is enough for 100 Olympus modules, or a colony of 1,600, in one launch! A "bit" implausible though. Being expendable, the cost would be ludicrous. (Personally, I think the Aldebaran nuclear spaceplane is better.)
  5. Um...a Falcon 9 launched the BEAM. and the 330 would fit. The olympus though, that would require an SLS or ITS launch just for one.
  6. 1. Place struts inside the faring so your rocket does not have an annoying wobble during ascent. 2. Instead of a direct ascent or apollo style mun mission, in career mode it is simplest to unlock the docking port jr., launch a probe with a small booster(fl-400+terrier), and then dock your single stage lander to that. The booster should have enough delta vee for trans munar injection, a 50m/s course correction, and half of orbit insertion. Then your lander just has to finish orbit insertion, land, and return. 3. Make sure your rescue craft doesn't have a probe core covering the hatch. 4. If you are having trouble with something, why not make it into a forum challenge!
  7. You might want to get the Kommunity Space Station save file. It has a lot of stuff already in it.
  8. What about the planned Gas Planet 3 that would be like Mesklin? That would be cool. Though you could just use sigma dimensions to scale up Inaccessable. and figure out how to give it an atmosphere... hmmm....
  9. I found that the Kerbalism science system is confusing, but you can turn of that part.
  10. Actually, the terrain of a few stock planets is procedural.
  11. We have built a lander capable of landing on either Mars or Venus for the interplanetary ship, because we're not sure which one has a launch window right now.
  12. The planets would not need custom textures or biome maps. They could be random.
  13. It isn't in rods, but very small pellets. http://web.archive.org/web/20151005022120/http://ralph.open-aerospace.org/PDF/2003.01.23 - MMO Final Report Summary.pdf
  14. The ITS, or even Falcon Heavy will probably kill the SLS. Even the Heavy can do half the payload for 1/20th the cost.
  15. What about z-pinch fission- not z-pinch fusion- that is less plausible- but z-pinch fission, where subcritical mass pellets of uranium are compressed by magnets until they explode. Estimates for specific impulses are over 9000s(no pun intended.) It also has reasonable thrust. The alternate name is Min-Mag Orion, though it bears little resemblance to Project Orion.
  16. No, they would be on rails actual planets, with SOIs, though what you are talking about could also be implemented for certain, given that dres has it.
  17. And ten times faster. Presumably, the rocket could be further out from land, and connected via...hyperloop. This could also have military applications.
  18. In RL, Jupiter has over sixty very small moons. Why not add a dozen, gilly sized procedural moons high over Jool, with large inclinations? They might not even need biomes.
  19. Maybe in the proposed campaign mode, there would be cutscenes?
  20. 19,760 Duna Flyby probe https://kerbalx.com/DAL59/Duna-Flyby-1 3,163 kg to trans duna injection. It can provide its own course corrections.
  21. I think polar biomes for space high or low around Kerbol's poles should be added, so doing something like the Ulysses would be useful.
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