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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. KSP is prone to extreme glitches. Keep the debug menu, because it also lets you fix the glitches.
  2. Watch "your physics have no power over me by" Manley.
  3. Just because a massive network of millions of people are required to make something in this system, doesn't mean it is the most efficient. You could also 3-d print a pen, with the materials mined by robots. We aren't just talking about NASA though. Spacex has 15 billion, just a bit less than NASA's 19 billion. Elon Musk also has 19 billion dollars of personal wealth.
  4. I agree with Gernard O'Neil that there will be millions of people living in orbital colonies by the end of the century.
  5. This thread has reached 100,000 views! That's 1/3 the population of Iceland.
  6. Per mission. Also, [spider descends from ceiling passing in front of computer screen], in the apollo era there weren't reusable rockets. Mars has a lot of land area- almost as much as Earth(no seas). We still aren't finished with Earth science, so there will be Mars science for a very long time.
  7. Actually, Robert Zubrin said it would only take 30 billion- 1% of the US budget. And once a colony is set up, especially considering advances in robotics, no further investment by Earth would be needed. I know. It was a joke. I could argue that an O'neill cylinder would be more useful than a Mars colony. Especially since the environment can be Earthlike.
  8. Well technically, if you used https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotary_Rocket The windmill of space
  9. I meant the journey. http://www.marspapers.org/paper/Cooper_2014-2_pres.pdf Plenty of science to do on Mars. A Mars colony would probably have lots of backup food. Also, it would surely be a political priority not to let one's astronauts starve. I would pay money to go to Mars. It may not be luxurious, but you get to be out of the influence of Earth(once you get some greenhouses), be famous, not need any money, possibly start a new country, help search for extraterrestrial life, and have advanced technology.
  10. I would actually argue that space exploration is far safer than the Mayflower. After all, we have accurate maps of Mars, have robots to help us, don't have to face disease, have healthy foods with long shelve lives, and can recycle water. Sure, we have to worry about air, but I would say overall, the people who first sailed to America had it much harder than astronauts going to Mars.
  11. Yes! And if you fail, all of your buildings should be destroyed. I've been waiting for this mod.
  12. Squad never finished the 3.75 meter parts. There are no 3.75 meter radial engines, reaction wheels, or most importantly, nosecones.
  13. I think the old camera movement needs to stay, because when the camera moves, you know you've docked immediately.
  14. Advanced robots cost money to build and develop though. And teleoperation requires human presence due to time delay. True, but that assumes that modern trends continue. It is not inconceivable that a major societal shift may occur.
  15. A small falcon rocket would be a good idea, but could it get a small crew to Mars via orbital refueling?
  16. Elon Musk has confirmed that the BFR is an SSTO without the booster, no need for winged landing. It can't carry any cargo though. The spaceship will be launched by itself as the worlds second(ARCA will launch next year) SSTO before the booster is finished.
  17. All your base are belong to Musk
  18. No, it doesn't work. The embedding system is quite inconsistant.
  19. I have 3 ships standed on the Mun, plus two in Mun orbit, and two dead comsats.
  20. Are those timberwind nuclear rockets from interstellar mod?
  21. Try to enter the atmosphere as fast as possible without burning up.
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