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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. I just got a copy of "worlds in collision". OH BOY. Literally nothing in this book makes any sense.
  2. Also saying you don't want to build a dyson swarm because "its hard" is the understatement of the year.
  3. KSP Forum Member In Real Life (satirical you guys are actually nice):
  4. -... - .-- / - .... . / -- --- -.. ... / .... .- ...- . / -.-. .-.. --- ... . -.. / - .... .-. . .- -.. ... / - .... .- - / - .- .-.. -.- / .. -. / -.-. --- -.. . / .. -. / - .... . / .--. .- ... - --..-- / ... --- / .-- . / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. / .--. ..- - / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - .. --- -. ... / .. -. / ... .--. --- .. .-.. . .-. ... /
  5. DAL59


    I last billions of years or mere milliseconds. I embody the Jurassic and the Renaissance. I am composed of 24 letters of the English alphabet, and 116 chemical elements. I am your entire life, and I am waiting on you.
  6. @Nassault630's art is really cool
  7. Is there a graph of predicted launch date vs current date? I'm pretty sure it would be a 45 degree line.
  8. @Vanamonde Can you please merge with the other, larger VG thread? How many unmanned suborbital missions have launched recently?
  9. Bugs in KSP are part of the fun though... lag isn't though
  10. That's just one plotline- the B-PLOT(!) is the invasion of the Milky Way by the Xeelee and the construction of a giant ring in order to defeat the photino birds.
  11. Yes, but Stephen Baxter is an actual physicist, and the time travel is handled very well. Their is also FTL, but the FTL can and does violate causality. Basically, Set thousands of years in the future (AD 5407), the human race has been conquered by the Qax, a truly alien turbulent-liquid form of life, who now rule over the few star systems of human space – adopting processes from human history to effectively oppress the resentful race. Humans have encountered a few other races, including the astoundingly advanced Xeelee, and been conquered once before – by the Squeem – but successfully recovered.[4] A human-built device, the Interface project, returns to the solar system after 1,500 years. The project, towed by the spaceship Cauchy, returns a wormhole gate, appearing to offer time travel due to the time 'difference' between the exits of the wormhole (relativistic time dilation), with one end having remained in the solar system and the other travelling at near lightspeed for a century. The Qax had destroyed the solar system gate, but a lashed-up human ship (a great chunk of soil including Stonehenge, crewed by a group called the Friends of Wigner) passes through the returning gate, travelling back to the unconquered humanity of 1,500 years ago. One of the crew of the Cauchy returns with the Friends, Miriam Berg. The Friends have a complex scheme, which does not include a simple military return-and-rescue – the 1,500-year technology gap makes this "risible". From the Wigner thought experiment they have postulated an unusual theory on the ultimate destiny of life in the universe. They believe that quantum wave-functions do not collapse like the Copenhagen interpretation holds, nor that each collapse actually buds off separate universes (like the quantum multiversehypothesis holds) but rather that the universe is a participatory universe: the entire universe exists as a single massive quantum superposition, and that at the end of time (in the open universe of the Xeelee Sequence, time and space are unbounded, or more precisely, bounded only at the Cauchy boundaries of "Time-like infinity" and "Space-like infinity"), when intelligent life has collected all information (compare the Final anthropic principle and the Omega Point), and transformed into an "Ultimate Observer", who will make the "Final observation", the observation which collapses all the possible entangled wave-functions generated since the beginning of the universe. They believe further that the Ultimate Observer will not merely observe, but choose which world line will be the true world-line, and that it will choose the one in which humanity suffers no Squeem or Qax occupations. However, the Ultimate Observer cannot choose between worldlines if no information survives to its era to distinguish worldlines- if the UO never knows of humanity, it cannot choose a worldline favourable to it. In other words, some way is needed to securely send information forward in time.
  12. You know what would be a great movie? Timelike Infinity by Stephen Baxter.
  13. Something else weird about this theory: if galaxies are being pushed apart by this, the universe itself isn't really expanding, just the galaxies are being moved. So where are the galaxies, well, going, in this theory?
  14. Or if literally anything worldbuilding was shown. Seriously, other than the Casino planet, we learned little of the Star Wars universe in TLJ. We saw NOTHING of the New Republic or its incompitancy in either movie, or where Lando went, or who is in control of the galaxy.
  15. How long will it take for the fairings to glide down?
  16. "Dark Phantom Energy". Really? We don't need a scientific explanation, so please don't give us a terrible one.
  17. Great! Isn't the Ariane 5/6 a more reliable rocket though? The FH is cool, but shouldn't they launch using something that's had more than one flight for such an expensive payload?
  18. Clarification: Is it actually landing and sampling today, or just entering orbit.
  19. Looking at the launch schedule for the next 10 months...
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